Prayer Bells of Heaven A

While we are living in this world of care,
Many the burdens that we have to bear;
But there's a prayer-bell at the Lord's right hand,
Give it a ring and He will understand.
Prayer-bells of heaven,O how sweetly they ring,
Bearing our message unto Jesus the King;
When you are burdened down with trouble and care,
Ring on, and on, for God will answer your prayer.
Three Hebrew children to the flames were thrown,
Because a mortal king they would not own;
Jesus delivered and the king then saw,
Prayer-bells of heaven beat a man-made law.

When Paul and Silas both were thrown in jail,
They did not worry who would go their bail;
But on the prayer-bells they began to ring,
Off fell the stocks and they began to sing.

Into the garden Jesus went to pray,
Until His sweat became as blood, they say;
Ringing the prayer-bells there in agony,
Bringing salvation that we might be free.