Under God

Half a century ago, two simple words Declared a truth that's planted in our hearts
And every time the flag is raised, We've been honored to repeat the phrase So the world will know we are

Under God, America's been blessed. Under God, brought through every trial and test
We are sheltered by the mercy He chose to give
In privilege and abundance, this nation lives
Under God, Freedom has survived Under God, we need to recognize We're dependent on His goodness Indebted to His care
Maybe more than any people anytime or anywhere
Still our only hope and prayer is Under God

When we pledge allegiance now, it's Under God
Those words have shaped the land that we hold dear
Some insist it's not allowed To acknowledge that we need Him now
But it has never been so clear

Under God, America's been blessed Under God, brought through every trial and test
We are sheltered by the mercy He chose to give
In privilege and abundance, this nation lives
Under God, Freedom has survived Under God, we need to recognize
We're dependent on His goodness Indebted to His care
Maybe more than any people anytime or anywhere
Still our only hope and prayer Under God, Freedom has survived
Under God, we need to recognize We're dependent on His goodness
Indebted to His care Maybe more than any people anytime or anywhere
Still our only hope and prayer Still our only hope and prayer is Under God Under God