I'll see all my friends in Hallelujah Square, what a wonderful time we'll all have up there
We'll sing and praise Jesus, His glory to share, and you'll not see one blind man in Hallelujah Square
Now, I saw a cripple dragging his feet, he couldn't walk like we do down the street I said, "My friend, I feel sorry for you," but he said, "
Up in Heaven, I'm gonna walk just like you."
I'll see all my friends in Hallelujah Square, what a wonderful time we'll all have up there
We'll sing and praise Jesus, His glory to share, and you'll not see one cripple in Hallelujah Square
And I saw an old man, gasping for breath, soon he'd be gone, as his eyes closed in death He looked at me and said, "
Friend don't look so blue, for I'm going up to Heaven, now how about you?"
I'll see all my friends in Hallelujah Square, what a wonderful time we'll all have up there
We'll sing and praise Jesus, His glory to share, and we'll all live forever in Hallelujah Square!thank