I still serve, an amazing God, He’s been with me every mile
My weary feet have trod.
He still cares, He still heals, He’s still mending broken hearts,
And drying tears.
This old world is bound to change, but I’m glad I know the one
Who always stays the same. And my song will ever be,
Amazing God you’re still amazing me.
The God who parted waters, still makes a way today
He’s always brought me thru, the troubled sea.
The One who fed the thousands, whose words could calm the tempest, He’s my bread of life & He’s my peace.
I still serve, an amazing God, He’s been with me every mile
My weary feet have trod.
He still cares, He still heals, He’s still mending broken hearts,
And drying tears.
This old world is bound to change, but I’m glad I know the one
Who always stays the same. And my song will ever be,
Amazing God you’re still amazing me.
I still serve, an amazing God, He’s been with me every mile
My weary feet have trod.
He still cares, He still heals, He’s still mending broken hearts,
And drying tears.
This old world is bound to change, but I’m glad I know the one
Who always stays the same. And my song will ever be,
Amazing God you’re still amazing me. Amazing God you’re still amazing me.