Right Hand of Fellowship Bb

On Sunday night long ago in that little white church that I love so
After we'd sing "Oh Pass Me Not" for those who did not know the Lamb of God
We would thank Him for His grace and before we parted ways

Every neighbor would extend the right hand of fellowship
All it meant was I'd be there and I'd remember you in my prayers
It made family out of friends, the right hand of fellowship

Those old time ways are almost gone, we're not sure they can be counted on
We're not concerned like we should be about our brothers' burdens or his needs
Sometimes when evenin' shadows fall, I hear the ghost of those old Gospel songs

Then all my heart, I ache to grip the right hand of fellowship
All it meant was I'd be there and I'd remember you in my prayers
It made family out of friends, the right hand of fellowship

All it meant was I'd be there and I'd remember you in my prayers
It made family out of friends, the right hand of fellowship
It made family out of friends, the right hand of fellowship