ref=Mat 26:41 shonotes=1 note=They would be pulled into His judgment by association and so they needed to be praying for strength to endure the temptation that would come for them to turn away from Him. ref=1Pe 1:23 shonotes=1 note=The seed that births us into the KingdomOfGod is the Word of the Lord - writtern and incarnate. Both the IncarnateWord and the WrittenWord abide forever. ref=Act 16:31 shonotes=1 note=We connect TheMeasureOfFaith that the Lord gave us at birth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we are born of the HolySpirit and so become SonsOfTheHolySpirit. ref=Act 2:4 shonotes=1 note=SpiritBaptism is necessary for a powerful life in Christ. Yes, we are BornAgain and given the gift of EternalLife by faith in Jesus Christ. That is necessary for us to be SpiritFilled.

Some people receive the HolySpirit baptism at the same time as they are BornAgain, but most do not.
Primarily, this is a result of not being taught to expect the HolySpirit baptism.
Secondly, there has been no demonstration of SpiritBaptism in many churches.

For those who may not understand who and what the HolySpirit is, understand this: -> The HolySpirit is the SpiritOfChrist Jesus. -> The HolySpirit is not some 3rd person of some godhead. -> The HolySpirit is the eternal, omniscient, omnipresent being who created us and redeemed us by our Lord Jesus.

Receive Him and fellowship with Him who is EternalLife and AbundantLife. ref=Act 1:8 shonotes=1 note=We are weak in the flesh but by the power of the HolySpirit we can do all things. At the top of the list of `all things` is spreading the Gospel of salvation by GraceThroughFaith.

Jesus did not say you will receive tongues or gifts. He said you will receive power to be witnesses unto Him. tongues and gifts are for the church which is the BodyOfChrist. ref=Joh 14:12 shonotes=1 note=This is one of the most ignored things that Jesus said. why? Because we choose to be believers only. We resist becoming disciples.

Disciples follow their master in His footsteps learning from Him and immitating Him.

Jesus is telling us that we are to spread the Gospel, heal the sick, set captives free and make disciples of all men.

We can only do this by the power of the HolySpirit operating in a vessel with the MindOfChrist. ref=Gen 3:5 shonotes=1 note=God is Love, Goodness and Truth.

Satan undermined Eve`s Thoughts about God`s Nature and Character in this Lie. ref=Zec 4:6 shonotes=1 note=The HolySpirit is the Power of God.
In the Creation, God Spoke and the HolySpirit moved to effect His Words. Gen 1:2 ref=Jud 1:20 shonotes=1 note=Pray in your PrayerLanguage to be strengthened spiritually, physically and mentally meditating on the WordOftheLord on which your faith rests.

Paul said that he spoke with tongues more than all the people at corinth. He was talking about exercising his PrayerLanguage. ref=Eph 6:12 shonotes=1 note=flesh and blood is needed to impact the people of earth in the PhysicalRealm. That is why the Lord made Himself a body and we called Him Jesus whose purpose was to redeem us from our lost state. Likewise, satan uses flesh and blood people to do his work in the earth.

SpiritualWickedness is the foundation for the attacks against our faith and our work for the KingdomOfGod. That SpiritualWickedness comes from Satan through His deception of mankind. darkness is where satan rules, using his powers of persuasion to convince men to turn away from the Lord. When a person rejects Christ they become a ChildOfSatan and unknowlingly or willingly become his instrument to steal, kill and destroy. ref=Joh 6:63 shonotes=1 note=This is profound Truth!
The HolySpirit makes us alive and keeps us alive.
The flesh does not help anything. It is sustained by the Spirit.
Our life comes from the WordOfTheLord which issues from the HolySpirit.

But, The Word/HolySpirit wait for us to release the power.
We do so by faith in the authority of Christ and His Word.

The Word and Spirit is One. Jesus is the Word who speaks according to His HolySpirit. ref=Joh 3:34 shonotes=1 note=John was baptised with the HolySpirit but Jesus was filled and overflowing with His HolySpirit. ref=Isa 44:3 shonotes=1 note=Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our Faith by which our thirst is quenched and we are blessed with Eternal, Abundant Life. ref=Joe 2:28 shonotes=1 note=This is the prophecy of our Lord`s will for us: -> to be reconciled to Him -> to be filled with His Spirit -> to experience eternal, abundant life through His Spirit ref=Joe 2:29 shonotes=1 note= ref=Zec 12:10 shonotes=1 note= ref=Mat 3:11 shonotes=1 note=So, repentance is necessary but the baptism of the Holy Spirit is what seals us to the Lord.

We are redeemed to become vessels for our Lord to live through. It is when our body is filled with Him that we begin to manifest His will. ref=Mat 3:16 shonotes=1 note=Jesus was called to be the SonOfTheHolySpirit but the HolySpirit coming to Him is what made Him the Christ. ref=Mar 1:8 shonotes=1 note=John knew that the purpose of the Messiah - to prepare hearts for receiving the Holy Spirit. ref=Luk 3:16 shonotes=1 note=John tells us the ultimate accomplishment for Christ - to make it possible through His sacrifice for us to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. ref=Luk 3:22 shonotes=1 note=This is the certification of Jesus as the express image of the Father - the SonOfTheHolySpirit. ref=Luk 24:49 shonotes=1 note=Understanding this verse: -> Jesus is giving a command (send) -> A promise is an announcement of potential. -> `my Father` may best be understood as `my generator`. -> The HolySpirit is the one who generated Jesus. -> Jesus is ordaining His own Spirit to come to us. -> We are to wait for His HolySpirit to come upon us and fill us before going out in Jesus` name. -> When we are baptized with the HolySpirit we then have both the authority of Jesus and the power of His Spirit in us. ref=Joh 1:32 shonotes=1 note=The annointing was for the body of Jesus to be empowered to teach, heal and perform miracles. ref=Joh 1:33 shonotes=1 note=The second great statement by John. The first is recorded in Joh 1:29

The baptism of the HolySpirit is the main reason Jesus came. He had to die for us to be cleansed and be born as NewSpirit beings. This was the preparation. The infilling was the purpose. ref=Joh 3:5 shonotes=1 note=The SinNature must be destroyed and replaced with a NewSpirit which exists in the KingdomOfHeaven.

The KingdomOfHeaven is the SpiritRealm, which is a dimension of existence higher than that of the space-time continuum in which all physical life exists.

It is not possible for the purely physical to exist in the SpiritRealm. This is why we must be born of the Spirit.

Being born of water means being born into humanity. Angels cannot experience the KingdomOfHeaven in themselves as BornAgain humans may Luk 17:21.

If there is any confusion about the birth by water being WaterBaptism the next verse clears it up. He connects the water with the flesh. ref=Act 1:5 shonotes=1 note=The purpose of Christ Jesus coming to earth was to make it possible for us to be filled with the HolySpirit.

Forgiveness of sins was necessary that we escape the LakeOfFire.

But the Lord is not just merciful in forgiving your sins, He is love. He wants an intimate, personal relationship with you.

We hear Jesus say that He must leave so that the comforter may come. Joh 16:7
The comforter is the HolySpirit who is the Lord. Joh 4:24

In order to experience Christ`s purpose for you, you must be filled with the HolySpirit. Joh 15:26

How do you receive the HolySpirit?
You ask for Him in faith. Luk 11:13 ref=Act 2:38 shonotes=1 note=What do we need to do to become what our Lord designed us to be? -> Repent for the remission of sins. -> Be BaptizedInTheNameOfJesusChrist for remission of sins. -> Receive the gift of the HolySpirit.

Having the Father, the HolySpirit, in us and us in Him is our Lord`s purpose in creation. Mat 28:19 Act 16:31 Rom 10:9,10 ref=Act 8:15 shonotes=1 note= ref=Act 8:16 shonotes=1 note= ref=Act 8:17 shonotes=1 note=SpiritBaptism ref=Act 8:18 shonotes=1 note= ref=Act 10:38 shonotes=1 note=The HolySpirit annointed Jesus as He came up out of the water from John`s baptism. The HolySpirit was with Him and in Him speaking the words and doing the works. ref=Act 10:44 shonotes=1 note=SpiritBaptism is a work of faith as is the case with all blessings from the Lord. As Peter preached the Gospel of the kingdom the HolySpirit quickened their mortal bodies and they begin to speak in tongues under the power of the HolySpirit.

Notice that the HolySpirit sanctioned what Peter said about the name of Jesus. When Jesus is lifted up the HolySpirit lifts up the lifters and those who hear and believe. ref=Act 10:45 shonotes=1 note=`of the Circumcision` refers to those believers who were still steeped in judaism. Such did not understand the parables of Jesus referring to new wine and new cloth. Mat 9:16,17

Faith in Christ Jesus results in being born as a NewSpirit being. It is the creation of new cloth, new wine skin. The new cloth should not be mingled with old cloth. The new wine skin is fir new wine. That `new wine` is the HolySpirit. ref=Act 10:47 shonotes=1 note=water baptism is a symbol of the purification that has taken place by faith InChrist Jesus which appropriates His shed blood and the forgiveness and redemption that it provides.

It is important to note that Cornelius was forgiven, redeemed, and baptized with the HolySpirit before the ritual of WaterBaptism.

All spiritual gifts are received by faith and faith alone. ref=Act 11:15 shonotes=1 note= ref=Act 11:16 shonotes=1 note= ref=Act 19:2 shonotes=1 note=What is intensely realized in our soul (mind, emotions and will) will manifest in our body.

If the inspiration for that realization is the SpiritOfTruth and the object of that realization is the WordOfTruth then what is manifested through the believer is pure worship and ministry.

Coupled with right realization is control.

Just as the Lord does not make us realize, neither does He make us manifest.

So, there is subjectivity involved in how the Holy Spirit manifests in the believer or not.

If you are a cessationist you choose to be so.
If you are a continuationist you choose to be so.

`Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?`
To receive something means you accept it. ref=1Co 12:13 shonotes=1 note=We cannot overemphasize the oneness of the HolySpirit with those whom He fills. We are individuals with separate consciousnesses (soul) and bodies but we are simultaneously one in the HolySpirit. ref=Tit 3:5 shonotes=1 note=Now we are washed by His blood and BornAgain of the HolySpirit. ref=Eph 4:1 shonotes=1 note=Paul continues the double entendre. He is a literal prisoner in Rome for Christ sake but He has surrendered his life to Christ making himself a prisoner of Christ even when not jailed for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

He begs us to walk worthy of Christ. He says that it is our vocation. We do that by valuing the sacrifice, His mercy, His forgiveness, His HolySpirit, His love and becoming His witness to all in our circle. ref=Eph 4:2 shonotes=1 note=For those in the body of Christ. -> Rather than focusing on our faults and deficiencies we aught to pray for and edify each other.

To those outside the body of Christ -> We are to minister the Gospel in love and power as Jesus did, receiving those who believed and pronouncing judgment upon the unbelievers. ref=Eph 4:3 shonotes=1 note=This is to the believers. He is not recommending or expecting peace and unity with unbelievers.

When you endeavor to do a thing, you put effort into accomplishing that thing. It doesn`t necessarily mean that you will accomplish it.

In order for us to be in unity with someone we must be in agreement. Even if there is a point of disagreement, we must focus on and yield to the area of our agreement - Christ Jesus. ref=Eph 4:4 shonotes=1 note=The one body is the literal body of Christ Jesus. The one Spirit is His HolySpirit.

The collection of all believers in Christ Jesus is His body on earth. That body is also filled with His HolySpirit who unifies us.

The body of Christ is not divided. Disunity is a sign of some other spirit being present. Our one hope is in Christ Jesus.

The fact that there is one Spirit tells us that -> the SpiritOfGod is the HolySpirit -> the HolySpirit is the SpiritOfChrist

Jesus is SpiritSoulAndBody. His Spirit is the HolySpirit. When we receive Jesus, we actually receive His HolySpirit by faith in His identity in Jesus. ref=Eph 4:5 shonotes=1 note=It is simple and powerful -> OneLord - Christ Jesus who is Creator and Saviour -> OneFaith - Salvation by GraceThroughFaith InChrist Jesus -> OneBaptism - Immersed in the Words of Jesus and His HolySpirit ref=Eph 4:6 shonotes=1 note=The HolySpirit is the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, Creator, lover, giver and Father of all. -> He is the essence of Christ Jesus. -> He is our life. -> He is our unity. -> He is our power and -> He is our Comforter
all this by virtue of what He did InChrist Jesus for us. ref=Eph 4:7 shonotes=1 note=There is TheMeasureOfGrace as there is TheMeasureOfFaith. It is how we react to the Grace that we receive that determines how it grows just as our measure of faith may increase dependent on our exposure to the Word.

There is TheMeasureOfTheGiftOfChrist. The GiftOfChrist is His HolySpirit Act 2:38. TheMeasureOfTheGiftOfChrist is dependent on how open we are to receiving and being filled with His HolySpirit.