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Our Mission
The mission of this congregation shall be to confess and promote:
- Faith in the Triune God - by seeking a knowledge of God through faith in His free
and unmerited grace, offered to all in Jesus Christ.
- Works of righteousness done out of love for God and His grace - by providing
for the religious instruction of those committed to our spiritual care, according to the confessional
standards of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
- The spiritual fellowship of the Church in Word and Sacrament - by preaching
the Word of God and rightly administering the sacraments, manifesting the unity of our faith in Jesus
Christ in the celebration of the Lord's Supper, fostering Christian love, and by extending a
helping hand to those who are in need.
- Justification by faith - by assisting in the witness of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ throughout the world.
- A right understanding and exercise of Christian liberty - by faithfully
carrying out our vocational callings in church and society to the glory of God and in service to our
Update - 05/20/2002
© 2002 - The New Life Pentecostal Church - All rights reserved