Sticking to the Core Issues

This week, featured an article in which political strategist Dick Morris urged Republicans to “depersonalize the (present political) campaign and bring it back to the issues.

I began to think that this is sound advice in terms of Christians today. All too often, I think we tend to get involved in clashes or struggles that really do not advance the cause of the Gospel. Subsequently, I think we, as representatives of Jesus Christ, need to focus on the core biblical issues and steer clear of the stuff that just gets in the way of our efforts

So what are these core issues?

I have identified ten basic tenets of the faith which I believe we should be focusing on every day of our lives, in conversation, in devotion and in practice. They are:

1.God created the heavens and the earth. This is the basics of Christianity and we must adhere to this biblical fact at all times and be ever watchful against compromising this tenant of the faith. Each day, as you enjoy the beauty of God’s creation, thank Him for the wonders He created for us.
God exists in three distinct personalities: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is through His Spirit that He ministers to us, His children.

3. Jesus was born of a virgin. He was fully man and yet Jesus was also God. This miracle of His birth is at the crux of the Gospel and we praise Him for leaving the unspeakable splendors of heaven so that we can have eternal life.

4. Jesus lived a sinless life. In order to be and provide the avenue to heaven, Jesus had to live without sin.

5. Jesus died on the cross and rose again. Romans 5:8 says that Jesus died for us “while we were yet sinners.- The resurrection is the power of the Gospel and it shows everyone that Jesus had power and authority over death.

6. Jesus died for everyone - even terrorists and child murderers. This should be the heart of all we do and say in terms of our evangelistic outreaches. This fact of the Gospel allows us to speak to anyone about the wonders of Jesus, the Son of the Living God, who turns away no one who will believe on Him.

7. We are all in need of the Savior. Sin brings about the chasm between God and man and Jesus is the bridge that allows man to have eternal life. Acts 3:19 tells us that man must repent and turn to the Savior so that our sin is wiped away.

8. Jesus is coming again (Matthew 24:30). We should be looking for Him every day, my friends, and working for Him as if today will be our last.

9. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. The above eight details are valueless if we do not preach that the Bible is God’s holy, infallible message to man.

10. Finally, we, as Christians, are called to live holy and faithful lives. Through daily Bible reading and prayer we can allow Christ to rule in our hearts and lives. Staying attuned to Jesus Christ is also how we can avoid the temptations of life and serve as fruitful leaders to our families.

We can sometimes get lost fighting social battles or getting involved in matters that really do not advance the Gospel. It is when we live out our faith in tune with these ten biblical principles that we can be effective representatives of the living Christ, drawing people to Him, and Him alone.

-- Jonathan Falwell