Graith is a Scottish word: Furniture; apparatus or accoutrements for work, traveling, war, etc
- Christ Jesus loves you
!insert Joh 3:16
- Christ Jesus has forgiven you
!insert Eph 1:7
- Christ Jesus has given you EternalLife
!insert Rom 6:23
- Christ Jesus has made AbundantLife possible
!insert Joh 10:10
- Christ Jesus has imputed His Righteousness to you
!insert 1Cor 1:30
- The HolySpiritFather of Christ Jesus has birthed you as His child
!insert Rom 8:15
- Christ Jesus has made you a joint heir with Him of all He has
!insert Gal 4:7
Realizing the above, we should walk in newness of life . No good thing will our HolySpiritFather withhold from us.
Therefore, Graith represents the bonding of two concepts: Provision and Appropriation .
Provision is accomplished by Grace . That is Christ's part.
Appropriation is accomplished by Faith . That is our part.