This is the Holy Spirit, the Majesty, the Father, the Spirit Of Truth, the Spirit Of Christ, the Spirit Of God.
The love and mercy from which Grace issues is the Throne Of Grace.
Our Lord Jesus Christ sits upon the Throne Of Grace authorizing it by virtue of His perfect, finished work.
The Throne Of Grace is also the Mercy Seat.
How are we to come to the Throne Of Grace? Boldly.
Let's support one of your office workers was in need of something that would help the person in need, his coworkers and the company.
Should all the workers go in masse to the supervisor's office, stand outside his door and all ask for the supervisor to meet the need repeatedly until the need as met, or they got tired, or the staff needing help died or left the company?
How ridiculous!
If the staff member in need was in good standing, they should just go to the supervisor, state the need and ask for the need to be met.
If the supervisor is a good man with the interests of his company and his staff at heart, the need will be met as expeditiously as possible.
Why is it that the Christian community treats their Heavenly Father like the unconcerned supervisor in the first scenario?
Why does the person in need not just come boldly to the Throne Of Grace and receive help?
Why do we think that our Heavenly Father would need to be convinced to do what is in the interest of His 'company'?
Why do we think that bringing all of His children together in petition makes any difference to His love and desire to respond to need of the one?
Pagan traditions have a lot of sticking power. Many of the traditions, specifically related to prayer, have a long history in Christianity.
Considering all believers as our Lord's staff, when a person is in need, ought we not just tell the needy person of our Lord's love, mercy and Grace to the point that that weak staff member has the knowledge and courage go to their Heavenly Father boldly?
I am sure that Jesus convinced the people of His HeavenlyFather's love to the point that they believed He wanted to heal or deliver them. Once they believed He wanted to meet their need, Jesus simply confirmed it with His Words.
This is the model for approaching the Throne Of Grace.
→ We do not come as a group,
→ we come individually
→ in awareness of and assurance of
→ our standing as Sons Of The Holy Spirit
→ with all its benefits
→ through and by our Lord Jesus Christ.