[ Created: 2023-03-04 17:10:11  Updated: 2023-03-05 08:37:28 Owner: rl ]
Title: A movement in the direction of Jesus and His Holy Spirit    



But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
To fellowship with the Lord, to be One with the Lord, requires us to be Spirit Filled and to be Word transformed .     

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of our Lord Jesus .     
The Word is the Lord ( Christ Jesus).     
So, for us to please the Lord in our worship of Him, we fellowship with Him in His Holy Spirit in meditation upon His Word.

The Lord is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
The Lord is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit is the Lord.     

Any Worship that does not acknowledge the Holy Spirit does not acknowledge the Lord.     Such worship is futile.     

The Word Of The Lord is Truth.     

Any Worship that does not honour the Truth does not acknowledge the Lord.     Such worship is futile.

A nagging problem in Christianity has been the trinitarianism doctrine.   At the least it is confusing and at worst it is polytheism.   

I would venture to say that every revival or awakening in history has occurred as focus moved away from trinitarianism and its traditions and formalities, to the essence of Christianity.   

What is the essence of Christianity?   
    Jesus as God with us
    Jesus as the incarnate Word
    Jesus as redeemer
    Jesus as healer
    Jesus as deliverer
    Jesus as authorizer for us to be filled with His Holy Spirit
    Jesus as one with us in His Holy Spirit
    Jesus as the name by which His Holy Spirit power is manifested

Apart from these realities of pure Christianity any box that is constructed for Christians to move in is of man and not of Christ.   I use term 'box' to reference tradition, programs, orders of service, rituals, holy days, etc.   

The church or Body Of Christ is to operate in unison directed by the head of the body, who is Christ Jesus.   That which connects the head to the individual members of the Body is the Holy Spirit.   The Holy Spirit is the inspiration for the Word and He is the Spirit in whom we should worship as indicated above.   

Where is the church hierarchy in this model?   
Good question: There is none.   

Some would argue regarding bishops and the Five Fold Ministry as being scriptural and they would not be wrong.   

However, this article is focused on Jesus Movements which have never and will never come out of church hierarchy.   

There is a stress between organization and freedom.   Organization demands prescribed order and authority.   Freedom requires only opportunity.   
Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
The only way a person will go to the Lake Of Fire is by resisting the Holy Spirit who draws us to the Saviour, Jesus Christ.     

It is interesting that most of nominal Christianity still resists the Holy Spirit.     They pray to the Father and they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ but they do not worship the Holy Spirit, having a form of holiness but denying the power thereof .     

Trinitarians have made the Holy Spirit the 3rd person of the godhead.     This is sacrilege as the Holy Spirit is the first and only person of the godhead.     

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the body and voice of the Holy Spirit.     Those who would denigrate the Holy Spirit fall under the curse that Jesus spoke in and .     

Many times the Holy Spirit is quenched because of fear that the individual may say or do something that is 'in the flesh'.   However, there is a way that this can be dealt with in love when it occurs.   
Let all things be done decently and in order.
The Holy Spirit is always in order.     Our challenge is to stay in the Spirit and out of our Carnal Minds.

This is an instruction to the individual who exercises their freedom while controlling themselves in the interest of edification of the Body Of Christ.   

Because of ignorance of the Word when a Jesus Movement occurs there will be disorder and some confusion.   But that is no reason for the establishment to stifle (quench) the Holy Spirit who is inspiring the Jesus Movement.