We do not get the transformed mind at the point of faith. We get it by absorbing the Word Of The Lord and meditating on it in the Holy Spirit. We must then walk out that which is in our mind and heart.
Old things have passed away and all things have become new as far as the Lord is concerned, but we must forget the past and see ourselves as the Lord sees us for the effect of the old things to pass away from our minds and hearts.
We must choose to see all things as new in order to experience new things.
However, some believers then and now still hang on to performance aspects of the law as requirements for Spirit Salvation. This is error.
Forgiveness of sins is a done deal Heb 8:12. Eternal Life in the New Birth comes by faith in Christ Jesus Rom 6:23. We then walk by faith in the Word so that we experience Abundant Life Joh 7:38.
Salvation is two-part: Spirit Salvation and Soul Salvation.
The Gospel is nearly too good to be true news. It is because its 'unbelievability' that many believers revert to some measure of legalism in order to feel justified.
The Old Covenant meets that need to be justified by contributing to our salvation.
But such turning back to that which never brought salvation to anyone Jam 2:10 and away from the finished work Joh 17:4 of Christ Jesus is a major insult to our Lord.
The pure Gospel is that we are Accepted In The Beloved by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus.
Any stance that is taken other than Grace denies the efficacy of the BloodOfChrist leaving such in condemning unbelief.
There is no such thing as an Old Testament Christian so don't allow Satan to condemn you into going back to that which never worked.
The gift of the Lord Jesus is His own Eternal Life, which is relationship with His Holy Spirit Joh 5:26.
There are two types of death: → physical death Heb 9:27 → spiritual death Rev 21:8.
Adam and Eve did not immediately die physically when they sinned. However, they immediately died spiritually Gen 2:17.
When a person sins, whether believer or unbeliever, the result is an aspect of death. Somethings shrinks or shrivels instead of growing when sin occurs Joh 10:10.
Jesus gives us His life - Eternal Life when we believe on Him. That gift is irrevokable Joh 14:16.
However, if we let sin reign in our mortal bodies we will suffer the consequences of that sin destroying our physical lives, our testimonies and our walk with the Lord Col 1:10.
Instead of us living a victorious, productive life with treasure laid up in heaven, we will be saved as by fire 1Cor 5:5.
We have all been given The Measure Of Faith Rom 12:3. It is that gift of faith than enables us to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ through whom we receive Grace 2Pe 1:3.
Once we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Faith Of Christ provides all the benefits of Grace Rom 5:2.
The Faith Of Christ is the foundation of Grace Rom 5:19. We are not supposed to trust in our faith but, rather, trust in the Faith Of Christ Phi 2:8-11.
It is important for us to grasp the fact that Jesus is the Truth about our Creator because He is our Creator and He is the one who has the power to receive us or reject us.
All those who spoke about or made inferences about the character of our Creator in the Old Testament were only approximating the Truth. Jesus is the Truth. So, we should all be careful about using Old Testament scripture, testing it in light of New Testament revelation.