[ Created: 2023-03-02 09:24:13  Updated: 2023-03-02 09:53:25 Owner: rl ]
Title: An officer of the law who is unable to act authoritatively    


All officers of the law are people.   
They are trained
They are equipped
They are assigned
They perform their duty

If a candidate does not receive training or refuses the equipment, or rejects their assignment or fails to do their duty they are dismissed from the service.   

Reluctance to exercise authority makes a cop a Meek Cop whose career will be very short.   

In what way is our calling In Christ different?   

I know there are some possible differences that could be cited.   But the analogy between a cop and a servant of Christ is a good one.   

The cop who comes into agreement with the requirements and expectations of being a cop will be successful in his tenure.   

A believer who comes into agreement with the requirements and expectations of discipleship will be a good and faithful servant.   

So, the critical thing for both the cop and the disciple is the commitment of their will to take on the character of cop or disciple.   

Many people who end up being used of the Lord started out as extremely meek.   Joseph was a slave, a house servant and a prisoner .    Moses claimed he was the meekest man on earth .    David was a shepherd boy, the youngest and smallest of his brothers .    Daniel was a Hebrew slave in Babylonia .   
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; -
To continue in the Word is to become a doer of it.     It is to allow the Word to change how you see, how you hear, how you think, how you speak and what you do.     

Don't skip a step and don't stop short.     
Hearing is step 1.     
Believing is step 2.     
Receiving is step 3
Doing is step 4.     

See He Be Re Do.

It is not how we start out, it is how we finish.   We are the workmanship of Christ Jesus, created unto good works.   Submitting to His calling and expectations enables us to grow into what we were created to be, while being a blessing to others for the Kingdom's sake.