[ Created: 2023-01-15 15:45:46  Updated: 2023-01-15 15:58:35 Owner: rl ]
Title: The efficacy of the perfect blood of Jesus to pay the sin debt    


And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. -
This is one of the most important verses in the book of revelation for each of us personally.     

We overcome by two actions and one attitude.     The two actions;
1) Jesus shed blood
2) Our testimony.     

The one attitude is
1) Being willing to die for Christ's sake.

We are saved by Grace Through Faith
in the deity of Christ Jesus
in His virgin birth
in His sinless life
in His bearing our sins and diseases on the cross
in His death on the cross
in His resurrection from the dead
in His appearance to hundreds of people after His death
in His ascension
in His promised return
in the gift of His HolySpirit

Where there is a lack of faith in any of these tenets there is a lack of saving Grace because of unbelief.