Who is Christ? He is Creator, Saviour, Healer, Deliverer, Teacher and Friend.
The correct rendering is 'I will make man in my image, after my likeness'.
Jesus is the Truth about Creator God. The Word tells us that He is Creator Joh 1:10 and that He is the express image of the Father, the Holy Spirit - His Spirit. Heb 1:3
Man was created to be like the Lord in His image to share in dominion with Him over the universe.
Man's part of the universe is the earth to which the Lord gave Adam dominion. Adam was in relationship with the Lord and was expected to refer to the Lord for whatever wisdom he needed to rule the earth.
Adam's sin caused two things: 1) Adam's spirit was corrupted into a Sin Nature thus losing fellowship with the Lord. 2) Adam relinquished dominion over the earth to Satan.
Original Sin destroyed man's image. It resulted in spiritual death.
Jesus came to restore our image by making it possible for us to be Born Again of His Word and the Holy Spirit.
What happens after we are Born Again? We are to manifest as Sons Of The Holy Spirit just as He is the SonOfTheHolySpirit
This means we are to create, to save, to heal, to deliver, to teach and to befriend. Mar 16:15-18
The reason most believers do not manifest as Sons Of The Holy Spirit is they fail to receive the Mind Of Christ and become Living Sacrifices.
Those that do, live the Kingdom Life.