[ Created: 2023-01-04 17:40:06  Updated: 2023-01-04 19:54:12 Owner: rl ]
Title: Implications of Extreme Sovereignty    


If our Creator and Savior is sovereign then
He is responsible for the evil in the world
Since He is responsible for evil He is not good
He created birth defects, sickness and disease
He creates people destined for the Lake Of Fire
He pretends to care about people while causing them misery
He plays games with people's lives by accidents and illnesses
He misrepresents Himself in the Gospel since He claims to be love and mercy
He is a liar because He said that He is not evil
He is a deceiver making people think they have free will when they don't

Wait a minute!   I have just been describing Satan, not our Lord Jesus Christ.   

If you blame the Lord for anything that is not good, you aught to apologize and then receive the love of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit and begin to walk in faith rather than in fatalism.