[ Created: 2022-12-27 09:44:57  Updated: 2024-03-06 20:10:54 Owner: rl ]
Title: Understanding that Jesus is the one and only deity    



The idea of monotheism is that there is only one God.   
The idea of polytheism is that there are many gods.   
    Judaism is monotheistic.   
    Islam is monotheistic.   
    Trinitarianism is polytheistic.   
    Christianity is monotheistic.   

God is the generic name for deity.   It is not the Lord`s personal name.   
    Holy Spirit is a descriptive of the eternal Spirit who is deity.   It is not deity`s personal proper name.   
    YHVH is a reference to the Creator (specifically of life).   It was the personal proper name of preincarnate Jesus.   
    Jehovah is the anglicized form of YHVH.   
    Lord is the term that the Hebrews spoke in reference to YHVH.   It is not a personal proper name.   
    I Am is the name that the Creator told Moses to refer to Him as.   It is a descriptive of the Lord and is not His personal proper name.   

Here are more purported `names of God`
    Adonai is another name for Lord.   It is not His personal proper name.   
    El Shaddai describes the Lord as more than enough and is not the Lord`s personal name.   
    Jehovah-Jireh describes the Lord as our provider but it is not the Lord`s proper name.   
    Jehovah-Rapha describes the Lord as our healer but it is not His proper name.   
    Jehovah-Shalom describes the Lord as our peace but it is not His proper name.   
    There are other terms for God from the Old Testament but they are not His proper name.   

The Truth about `God` is revealed in the Truth, Christ Jesus.   
    there is only one name that has all power in heaven and earth.   
    there is only one name for the Almighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace.   
    there is only one name for the king of all kings and the Lord of lords.   
    there is only one name for the righteous judge.   

So, what is God`s name?   
    The Lord Himself named Himself by Gabriel to Mary.   
    Jesus is the name He chose.   
    Jesus is the express image of the Father.   
    Jesus is the name of the Father.   
    Jesus is the name of the Son.   
    Jesus is the name of the Holy Spirit.   

Stop being confused about whom to address when you pray.   
Pray to the Father in the name of Jesus.   
What does that mean?   
It means we acknowledge Jesus as the name that the Father, His Holy Spirit, goes by.   It is an act of familiarity and honour.   We cannot see the Holy Spirit and so He made Himself a body and we know Him as Jesus.   

Jesus is Spirit Soul And Body just like we are who were created in His image.   

Avoid deception:
    Do not believe the deception of Satan to dishonour Christ Jesus by making Him second class.   
    Do not believe in the deception of Satan to make the Holy Spirit third class.   
    Do not believe the deception of Satan to make God into some mysterious being whom we cannot know, with whom we cannot be in intimate personal relationship, who acts independently of the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus.   
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your house.
We connect The Measure Of Faith that the Lord gave us at birth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we are born of His Holy Spirit and so become Sons Of The Holy Spirit.

That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that His Holy Spirit has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.
This is the encapsulation of Grace, clearly pointing out our part which is faith in Jesus and confession of Him as risen Lord and Saviour.     

The implication of our part being to believe on Jesus Christ and confess Him as risen Lord, is that He has done everything else!     
It is why we call it amazing Grace!     
It is why the gospel is nearly too good to be true!     

Who raised Jesus from the dead?     
He raised Himself by His Holy Spirit .     

Nowhere in the above verses are we instructed to refer to three persons.   But what about the following verse?   
Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:
We are to teach all nations.     What do we teach?     
The Gospel of Jesus Christ - not the Gospel of God.     

What is the key component of the Gospel?     That Jesus is the Truth about our Creator.     

What is the Truth?     That Jesus is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.     
Note that name is singular - there is only one name and that is Jesus.     

But how can Jesus be the Father and the Son?     To understand this we must know who the Father is.     He is the Holy Spirit.     

Jesus said 'I and my Father are One'.     This means that the Holy Spirit Father is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     Jesus spoke through the prophets about Himself by His Holy Spirit.     He then became the person He prophesied about - Jesus.     

Jesus fathered Himself by His Holy Spirit, just as He raised Himself from the dead by His Holy Spirit.     

So, rather than talking about some confusing trinitarian circular logic involving a three-in-one godhead, we aught to recognize
    that Jesus is the name of the Father,
    that Jesus is the name of the Son and
    that Jesus is the name of the Holy Spirit.     

The name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is Jesus.     

Jesus instructed us to use His name when speaking to His Holy Spirit Father in us.     He said 'ask the Father in my name'.     Referring to a person by name adds precision and honor to the address.     

Our Creator is Spirit Soul And Body just as we are who were created in His image.     

Jesus is Lord!     
Be Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ

Jesus did not go about asserting His deity.   He let His Words and Works speak to that.   In the above verse when Jesus refers to `in the name of` He is alluding to His name, Jesus, which is the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.   

There is simplicity, understanding and power in the name of Jesus.   
There is weakness and confusion in polytheism.   
I am the Lord, your Lord, which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Who is this Lord that is God who is speaking?     
It is preincarnate Jesus speaking.

You shall have no other gods before me.
The Lord is preeminent and He must be preeminent in us in order for us to be accepted by Him.     

Who is the 'me' that is speaking?     It is preincarnate Christ Jesus

Not understanding that Jesus is the 'God' who speaks throughout the Bible is the cause of much confusion and weakness in the Body Of Christ.     

This verse is echoed in the New Testament verses: .     

Hear, O Israel: The Lord, our Lord is one Lord:
How much plainer can it be made?     There are not three gods or persons, there is only one being who is Lord and His name is Jesus.     

Jesus Is Lord

When you read or hear the word, Lord, think Jesus.

In the beginning was the Soul, and the Soul was with the Holy Spirit, and the Soul was the Holy Spirit.
What does it mean by in the beginning was the Word ?     
    A 'word' is an expression of an idea.     
    An idea comes from a mind that is self-aware and able to think.     
    When a word is spoken it has a purpose and it often has an intensity or emotion connected with it.     
    Mind, will and emotions constitute a Soul.     

So, the Soul Of God existed in the beginning.     

What does it mean by the Word was with God ?     
    God is a Spirit
    A spirit is the qualitative aspect of a being.     It represents the nature and value system of that being.     
    The spirit of a being is the essence of that being.     
    So, the Soul Of God was with the Spirit Of God in the beginning.     

What does it mean by the Word was God ?     
    It means that the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God constitute one divine being.     

emphasizes the fact that the Soul Of God and the Spirit Of God existed in the beginning.     

tells us that this God who is Soul and Spirit created all things.     

tells us that Jesus made the world.     

tells us that the Soul Of God, the Word, was made flesh and dwelt among us.     Now we have the Body Of God.     This is Jesus.     

tells us that Jesus is the express image of God.     

So, God is a single being who is Spirit Soul And Body just as man is who was created in His image .     
    the Soul Of God,
    the Spirit Of God and
    the Body Of God
constitute one God as is emphasized in .     

Jesus has always been the Word - the verbal expression of His Holy Spirit.   Even before His body was formed by His Holy Spirit through Mary He was the eternal Word that is `God`.   

His Holy Spirit is the other eternal part of `God` according to .   

In the fullness of time the Holy Spirit Word made Himself a body who is called, Jesus .   

Jesus is now the one and only visual and audible expression of His Holy Spirit who is in us by virtual of Jesus` shed blood .   

Most Christians do not understand that the Father of Jesus is the Holy Spirit who is the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus - .   

The Holy Spirit is the begetter of all life - physical and spiritual.   

The Holy Spirit begets life according to the eternal Word - Christ Jesus - who is motivated by His Holy Spirit.   

Think of it this way
    You have a desire to share something,
    you convince yourself to actually say it and then
    your body (mouth) actually says it.   

This is how Spirit Soul And Body work together as a unit.   
This is also how `God` works.   

We were made in His image, the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.