Assume that that there was only one very, very large vehicle for all the people in a city to use for transportation.
→ think how long it would take to load
→ think how the vehicle would have to traverse every road in the city
→ think how many stops would be involved
→ think how many passengers would spend large portions of their day just getting to their destination
→ think how vulnerable everyone would be to breakdowns of the vehicle
→ think how much cost would be incurred to build and maintain such a vehicle
I could go on mentioning things to think about with respect to this bad idea.
But the creation of an omnibus is exactly what Congress did in its rules of operation. There is nothing in the Constitution that recommends the use of an omnibus for legislating.
Just as a transportation omnibus is a bad idea, so is the legislative omnibus.
Since the transportation omnibus is a bad idea the question is: 'Who would propose such?'
The answer is: someone who wants to gain control of transportation.
Why would Congress come up with rules to effect omnibus legislation?
The answer is: to control what is legislated by a single person or party and to support its incumbency.
This means that the very purpose of the Constitution, which is to ensure the rights of the people and to protect them, are directly circumvented by the rules of the Congress created by the Constitution.
This represents a corruption of principle which is the worst form of corruption and the foundation for all corruption.
Why do we not hear any legislators clamoring for rules changes in the Congress?
The answer is: virtually every elected official wants to be re-elected and sees the omnibus vehicle as a means of supporting their incumbency.
Since incumbency is the real issue, the solution to the destructive rules enabling incumbency, is to make incumbency (or re-election) a non-issue. This translates to term limits.
As is true in every area of life, the way to fix a problem is at its root cause. The root cause of omnibus with its waste and corruption is to eliminate the purpose for its use. Re-election has to be taken out of the mix. Term limits are not only a good idea, they are the only solution.
Consider the drug addict. You can take away their drugs. You can rehab them. But if they still have a desire for the drug experience, they will relapse.
Power and wealth are addictive. Despite what most candidates would say to the contrary, it is the desire for power and wealth that motivates them to run.
There is not much power and wealth to be gained in a two, four or even six year term. But there is enormous power and wealth to be gained as a career politician. So, the motivation for every self-respecting politician is to be re-elected to enable them to gain more power and wealth.
Congress will never vote for term limits because it would be undermining the very purpose of its members. For the same reason, omnibus legislation will never be ended.
So, what do the citizens do?
These appear to be the only possible actions.
→ elect candidates whose only goal is to work toward elimination of term limits
→ encourage their state to join others in a Constitutional Convention to address incumbency
→ civil disobedience - stop paying taxes and so starve the government out
→ revolution
→ revival
Electing candidates to effect such a change is doomed because the system eats such candidates.
The people in state legislatures are also politicians who have the same motivations as their federal counterparts. They will not come together because limiting federal terms of office would trickle down to limiting state terms of office, i.e. their own positions, thus undermining themselves.
Civil disobedience with respect to taxes is a tough one to pull off because corporate and small business America as well as every level of law enforcement is attuned to the tax system.
Revolution is messy, bloody messy, leaving the country in turmoil and vulnerable to foreign attack. There is no guarantee that what comes out of it would be better or even as good as what it removed.
Revival, though not likely, is the only solution as far as I can tell. Why? Because it was the spirit of freedom that brought about the formation of Constitutional America. The current spirit in American is communistic, taking freedom from individuals because it translates into power and wealth for the takers.
A revival of freedom loving, independent, productive, family-oriented people of faith represents a change in the heart of the country including its legislators, executives and justices.
Remember the drug addict analogy. Until the addict turns away from his addiction, he will return to it eventually. So, it is in our heart that we will be saved or doomed.
I tell you, No: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish. - |
The above verse represents a Spiritual Law spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ and it will prove out in every life, including the life of our country,