I worked for a great company for many years. At least it was a great company.
What happened? Meetings.
More and more people were hired whose only real talent was meeting. So, they organized meetings and these meetings begat other meetings which in tern generated more meetings.
You see where this is going.
I suspect every person who worked in corporate America between 1970 and 2020 for at least 20 years can identify with the above.
So as not to be overly hard on corporate America and single them out, I must also point out that Christian America followed suit with their meetings.
I am not talking about increased evangelistic or worship meetings, I am talking about organization and project meetings to support the church programs.
Busy is not always good.
The Devil stays busy. Termites stay busy. A leaky faucet stays busy. Rust stays busy. Inflation stays busy.
Now some meetings are necessary. But the way to determine the value of a meeting is against the primary goal of the organization.
In the church, our goal is to spread the Gospel of Christ Jesus to every creature. At least it used to be.
I love to worship the Lord. I love to study His Word. I love to fellowship with other believers. But I am called to preach the Gospel to every creature.
So, when we meet we are to be preparing ourselves for our calling - to preach the Gospel, to heal the sick, to set the captives free, to heal the broken-hearted.
So, let`s all take a hard look at our meetings and make sure that we are being effective according to Christ`s measure.