Our government is criminal. It is the biggest agent of fraud in the country. It taxes and throws money into the pockets of the big donors who elect them.
It launders money that is sent overseas (Ukraine, etc). Our current president is the all-time biggest influence peddler the world has ever seen.
It is no wonder that the Government does little to nothing about crime. Why should they, they are in the same business.
What crime am I referring to? Telephone, computing and medical care crimes where individuals are suckered by people using technology and fear of sickness and disease as a vehicle for their crime.
It is a fact that all of our electronic communications are tracked and logged. The question is why are not those logs used to stop the criminals?
The telephone companies make money off of the traffic by random digit dialers using multiple phone numbers with which to attack the population.
ISPs make money off of scammers who lease IPs, space and bandwidth so they have no incentive to shut them down.
Lastly, we have just experienced the biggest scam in the history of the world as Government partnered with Big Pharma and Big Tech to put a stranglehold on medical care for political and financial gain using a man-made virus to attack the people of the world.
Yes, our government is in bed with the scammers and it is just another reason why it is illegitimate at this point in history.