[ Created: 2022-12-09 10:54:32  Updated: 2022-12-11 07:50:34 Owner: rl ]
Title: Understanding where God is    


It is an interesting thing to observe people praying.   
position of their body, especially their head
volume (soft, loud or normal)
language they use (stilted on natural)
emotion (intense, matter-of-fact, pleading)

We all know that our Creator, the Lord is omnipresent.   Or do we?   

Omnipresent means everywhere.   If the Lord is everywhere, then that means He is in all things, animate and inanimate.   

Based on that realization alone, we can conclude there is no reason to physically position ourselves a certain way, or to elevate our voices or exaggerate our emotions when we talk to Him (after all, prayer is just talking to our Creator).   

We know that the Lord is omniscient.   Or do we?   

Omniscient means knowing everything.   If the Lord knows all things, then that means He knows what we have need of before we pray.   

Why is it then that people act as if the Lord is either far away, deaf or out of touch with what is going on in their lives?   

Now, it is a fact that all people are born separated from the Lord in spirit.   Our spirits are diseased and dead at natural birth.   Since the Lord is a Spirit we are disconnected from Him.   

The New Birth is provided to every person so that they can be reborn as New Spirit beings.   This occurs when we
realize that Christ Jesus is Lord in the flesh,
has suffered for our sins and
has reconciled us to Himself by His death and resurrection, and
we receive and confess Him as our personal Saviour.   

It is the Holy Spirit essence in every human being that gives them the sense that there is a Creator and that they are separated from Him by their own sin.   Such have to be confronted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, believe it and receive it to finish the work of reconciliation that the Lord initiated.   

Each of us (who end up Born Again) have to pray the simple prayer of
acknowledging our own separation from our Creator and
our faith in His manifestation in Christ Jesus
who, by His marvelous work, has made it possible for us
to be born of the Holy Spirit, followed by a
testimony of our having received the Truth, Jesus Christ.   

Once that prayer is extended from our heart in earnest, we are one with the Holy Spirit in our New Spirit.   

Now, lets focus on prayer involving the Born Again and our Creator.   
John made a profound statement about Jesus.   
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: -
So, repentance is necessary but the baptism of the Holy Spirit is what seals us to God,

In this statement John looks past repentance, Water Baptism and the New Birth to an end point.   The end point is being baptized with the Holy Spirit.   

What is this anyway?   It is an explosion of realization
that we are New Spirit beings
our bodies are to be living sacrifices by the authority of that New Spirit
by which the Holy Spirit may utilize our bodies and minds for the purposes of the Kingdom.   

What has all this got to do with Prayer Proximity?   
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. -
The Spirit Of Truth is the Holy Spirit.     

Why do people, including Christians, not receive the Holy Spirit?     They cannot see Him.     

We recieve the Holy Spirit by asking in Faith just like we received remission of sins and were Born Again.

So we see that the Holy Spirit baptism is the Lord fully taking His place in us, spirit, soul and body.   

We know that Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of the Majesty So, exactly what is in us if it is not Jesus?   
It is the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit Of God, the Holy Spirit who is God.   
Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?     the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. -
How can Jesus be in the Father and the Father be in Him?     
Understand who the Father is.     He is a Spirit.     He is the Holy Spirit.     The Holy Spirit fills the universe and beyond.     But He birthed the body of Jesus and annointed Him to be Messiah - He filled the body of Jesus.     

Jesus spoke what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to speak.     Jesus reached out to heal and deliver those whom the Holy Spirit empowered Him to bless.     

Just as the disciples and others of Jesus' day could not look past the physical form of Jesus and see the Father, likewise today, people cannot see past our physical form to see the Father in us.     

What is even worse is that many of us cannot look past our own physical form to realize Christ in us the expectation of the Father's glory being manifested in and through us.     

Greater works shall we do because the Father has made His abode in us.     We are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Do you see how
that there is no reason to look up or down,
there is no reason to shout or whisper,
there is no reason to theatrically emote and
there is absolutely no reason to doubt that the Lord hears us when we pray?   
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. -
Jesus wants us to ask for whatever we desire in His name.     When we do, He will fulfill our desire.     Jesus says that such asking and receiving glorifies our heavenly Father.     

Think about how asking and not receiving actually denigrates God.     It makes God appear unconcerned, unloving.     

Jesus was the original Faith preacher.     So, when He makes a statement like this, He assumes you have taken to heart His command:
Have Faith in God!      ()

Faith is not something we conjure up.     It comes by hearing believing and receiving the Word Of God.     

Get into the Word until you have Faith in it.     Then when you speak the Word it will accomplish God's purpose ()

Who is the Father?   He is the Holy Spirit who is in us.   
When we pray we speak to the Holy Spirit (the Father) in the name of Jesus ( Lord) who has given us access to the Holy Of Holies.   We are one with the Father as Jesus is one with the Father

The reality is that our prayers have to go nowhere.   They are already known and are already answered by the Holy Spirit in us in the name of Jesus.   Hence our prayers should be like Jesus prayed.   
And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. -
Jesus is saying that the Father Hears His Heart and responds with no Words being spoken.     What Jesus said aloud was to acknowledge God before the people.     

Just as with Jesus, He Hears us before we Ask in the sense that He has already made Provision.     

Our prologue and epilogue should be Thanksgiving and Praise.

So, if our prayers are already known, why do we even need to speak them?   
It is an act of faith to speak that which we want to see manifested.   Jesus simply thanked the Father ( Holy Spirit) that He had already heard Him before He spoke.   
Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid.     And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. -
Jesus thanked God for answering the Prayer before the manifestation.

By virtue of being In Christ we have the Holy Spirit in us and He is the source of good things in us.   
That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. -
Jesus said that there is none good but God.     So, the implication of there being good things in us is by virtue of the Holy Spirit being in us.     

When we recall and speak the good things provided by the Gospel of Grace Through Faith the joy and excitement of the Holy Spirit will make our message effective.     

The Holy Spirit in us is the Spirit of Christ in us.

What will enable you to put this truth into effect in your life?   
You must meditate on the Word until your mind is transformed to not just believe the truth but walk in it.