The key thing about a myth is that it comes from imagination and not facts. A good example of a modern day myth is Evolution Theory.
Myths may seem comforting but the fact that they are not the truth is ultimately destructive to a person or society.
Human beings were designed to be like our Creator who is Truth, Light and Life.
To depart from Truth is to move into darkness and to reduce the quality of life.
The move by modern society away from the Creator has resulted in a void that must be filled. Some of the ways people fill the void are:
→ Distractions
→ Philosophy
→ Mythology
But none of these are satisfying because they are man`s creation and not the Creator.
Especially problematic is the new mythology that is developing from its roots in science fiction and comics. What was an innocuous dabble in a world of imagination has become a serious business consuming an inordinate amount of young people`s time and focus.
Alternative realities are readily manufactured using CGI with amazing levels of realism. Virtual reality devices are becoming more available to enable alternative realities to take shape.
Coupled with the technological advances is the onslaught of story lines providing a more interesting context for life that is competing with the True reality of human existence. This is the most distressing aspect of the trend.
People must and will believe in something.
We were created to be in relationship with our Creator, to enjoy and explore His creation as a part of our life with Him. In Him we find our origin, our purpose and our future. This is Truth.
Mythology is not a viable substitute for reality though it can serve that purpose for those who never encounter their Creator or, for some reason or other, decide to forego what He offers in favor of vain pursuits.
We must teach the Truth and explore the Truth so that we have a future in Truth and do not fade into the oblivion of imagination.