Congestion in the nose or chest is not good.
Neither is congestion in living space.
I never thought I would be quoting Moe Howard seriously although I am a big fan of the Three Stooges.
However, having traveled across America quite a few times and upon observing population density maps, I am sure that American people need to Spread Out.
We have ample land to Spread Out and enjoy the real peace of being by yourself with very little noise around.
If this doesn't sound appealing to you then it is likely you are living an artificial existence. You are being controlled by the dynamics of other people's moves, music and meanness.
We are not meant to move in herds.
We are not designed to be constrained by communities.
We are meant to function as families first and foremost.
High population density has contributed to the breakdown of our society. It contributes to moral breakdown as you can always find someone crazier than you in a densely populated area.
Also, high population density leads to a lack of appreciation of personal freedoms as those who submit to the conditions of high population are forced to draw up.
Lastly, densely populated areas tend to be communistic rather capitalistic in their leanings, which is evidence of Mental Illness.
With the growth of telecommunications capabilities there is less and less reason for people to congregate in densely populated areas.
In the computing arena there has been a swing back and forth between centralized and distributed computing. So change is possible. We aught to at least try to change the current model which is:
→ build a be employment operation
→ build service businesses
→ built houses
→ build schools
→ build roads
→ build water sewage capability
As 'wonderful' as that model is, we see small towns drying up as people move to the new, soon--to-be, densely populated areas.
We aught to calm down and seek peace and prosperity where we find it rather than running off to the next greatest place only to find superficiality there.
What I am trying to say is: S p r e a d O u t !