"Anyone who desires power is not worthy of it and is not to be trusted with it." - Randy Lucas
Our Lord created man for a very specific purpose:
→ To be His children.
→ To be like Him.
→ To fellowship with Him.
→ To enjoy His creation.
By virtue of the depths of man's fall in Eden, the fulfillment of that plan required a lot from the Lord () and a lot from man () .
Rather than appreciating the Creator's plan and starting the eternal journey toward realizing His Plan, man chooses to create his own plans with artificial, ephemeral goals.
We can all laugh at Don Quixote and shake our heads at his apparent insanity, but what is our plan? What is our goal? Where are we going? Can we get there? What about death?
You see, we all live convinced that the things we value and work toward are meaningful. But when we answer the questions just asked we realize the futility, emptiness, and as Solomon characterized it, the vanity of life.
But futility, emptiness and vanity are all the results of our plans. They are not the result of our Lord's plan.
The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. - The Thief is Satan who is the inspiration for all the Evil in the World. Whereas the 'I' is Jesus who offers us EternalLife and AbundantLife. This verse is a powerful statement contrasting the nature of the Enemy with the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ. Note that the Enemy takes by Force what is ours, while we must take by Faith what is ours in Christ Jesus. The taking is not a 'one and done' thing. Rather, it is an ongoing process throughout our lives on this Earth. |
Eternal Life and Abundant Life are the objectives of our Lord's plan for us. We need to stop coming up with alternative plans that are dead-ends and align ourselves with our Lord's plan for us.
Out of that alignment comes creativity, productivity, prosperity and all the good things that life offers.
But, until we do so, we shouldn't be laughing at Don Quixote because, after all', he is just 'one of us'.
Let's consider some of the plans that Don Quixote Syndrome has produced:
→ Globalism
→ Climate Change
→ Open Borders
→ Digital Currency
→ No Religion Too
→ Going Green
→ L G B T Q
Each of these efforts represent contrived goals or enemies. Each provides a rallying point for those who jump on their bandwagon. Whenever we consider the threat of an enemy or the merits of a plan we aught to ask ourselves two questions:
1. Is there something there or not?
2. Will this be good for me?
If the answer to either of those questions is 'no' rest assured that it is just a windmill and not a real problem or worthwhile goal.
Big Government, Big Tech and Big Pharma have teamed up to create fake problems and unrealistic, expensive and harmful goals. Why? Because they are victims of Don Quixote Syndrome.
Such infected persons aught not be in positions of authority with access to resources for jousting with their windmills.