[ Created: 2022-11-10 07:11:26  Updated: 2022-11-17 18:20:01 Owner: rl ]
Title: Relating to the structure of populations     


Age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, income, education, home ownership, sexual orientation, marital status, family size, health and disability status, and psychiatric diagnosis are some of the elements of a person's demographic.   

Does your demographic profile affect your Spirituality?   


And we know that our Spirituality determines our World View which determines our Ideology which determines our Politics.   

So, it is not surprising that we find ourselves divided on one or more of these dimensions politically.   The democratic party understands quite well the power of identity politics and so continuously strategizes how to manipulate one demographic group against another while ever working to bring the 'victimized' demographic group under its umbrella of 'inclusion'.   

The reality is that the divisions between demographic groups are never healed by leftist politics or policies.   Rather, they continue to work toward unification under the false promises of Communism which aspires to treat all men fairly and equally, ignoring the reality that productivity requires incentive.   

Contrast this philosophy of government regarding demographics with that of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   In Christ, there is no difference made between bond or free, Jew or Gentile, male or female, rich or poor, but all are one in Him.   

In the Kingdom of Christ Jesus there is not just empty words and empty promises where short-term benefits keep the rabble at bay, but there is the infinite love and power of the Father working to enable each person to rise to as much glory as they desire.   

On top of this potential is the understanding that there is no issue with scarce resource allocation.   Our Creator has infinite supply.   He can prosper each one of us while others are not diminished by it!   

The variety in humanity along demographic lines is beautiful when we operate in the oneness of the Holy Spirit.   In crass politics it is simply a tool for manipulation and disunity.