[ Created: 2022-11-06 21:35:55  Updated: 2022-11-06 21:55:44 Owner: rl ]
Title: The amount of CO2 emissions associated with all the activities of an entity     


Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.     Amen. - Rom 1:25
The Lord is Creator.     He is Truth.     But the secular world denies His existence and calls His Word a lie.     

Such people have no recourse but to worship the physical creation because they have denied the Lord of life.     

Since they do not believe that there is a creator who upholds all things by the Word of His Power, they feel that they must manage the earth.     

Examples of their foolish usurpation of the creator's role in the universe they try to Social Engineer, manage Climate Change and handle Population Control.

Those who are overly obsession with the Carbon Footprint of people and their activities essentially worship the environment.   Such people have an animosity towards those who pollute the object of their worship.   

Environmentalism is just another perversion that overtakes those who are separated from the Lord.   

If you doubt the use of the term 'worship' here just consider the fervency of the the environmentalist in their drive for lower and lower Carbon Footprints.   Great amounts of money, opportunities and potential are sacrificed to their god.   

The reality of the Lord's creation is that He foresaw the increase in carbon emissions and built into the plant kingdom the ability to adjust for the increase and bring it back into a healthy balance.   

Another reality is that Fossil Fuels are not from fossils but were put into the earth by the Lord to provide energy for the development of great inventions of convenience and prosperity.   

Unlike the short-sighted, knee-jerk reacting human leadership in the world, God anticipated not only our needs but also the consequences that our actions would have on His creation.   

Unbelieving fools who have rejected the Lord have no confidence in creation and assume that they must protect it and uphold it.   
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; - Heb 1:3
The Universe is upheld by the Word of His Power.     
This is a profound statement speaking to the fact that matter exists and is ordered by the command of Eternal God.     It explains why science is unable to fathom the essence of matter.     They have reached the point where the energy to inspect the smaller particles moves them (Heisenberg uncertainty principle).     
If they were able to keep delving they would find nothing material, only God's spoken Word!     

The Holy Spirit is the Majesty.     Jesus is His Physical form filled with the Holy Spirit.     The Majesty is not defined by dimensions.     He is Infinite.     Jesus' body is finite but He is the focal point of the Majesty.     We cannot 'see' the Holy Spirit in the same way we 'see' Jesus.     - Joh 3:8

All this being said, we should all be responsible for cleanliness and guard against wastefulness.   But such reasonable behavior is sufficient.   Extreme, changes in human behavior are not warranted.