Moses was the mediator between Israel and the Holy Spirit under the law .
Jesus Christ (annointed by the Holy Spirit) but fully man became the perfect mediator so that we can be forgiven and filled with the Holy Spirit .
In Christ Jesus we have God and man in one person who reconciled us to the Father .
God is Spirit ( Joh 4:24 ) which means He is the Holy Spirit ( Eph 4:4,6 ). God has a Soul and a Body and we call Him Jesus ( Heb 1:3 ). One God who is Spirit Soul And Body .
God created man in His Image ( Gen 1:27 ) and each of us are Spirit Soul And Body ( 1Th 5:23 ). Your Spirit, Soul and Body make one person, not three .
The Spirit is a higher order of existence than the Body . This is why Jesus said 'the Father is greater than I' ( Joh 14:28 ).
The man Adam sinned and separated us from God ( Rom 5:12 ). The man Jesus sacrificed Himself for that Sin reconciling us to God ( Rom 5:19 ).
And so God mediated us to Himself in His own Body - that of the man Christ Jesus .
Christ Jesus is God and He has reconciled us to Himself because He is the perfect mediator .