[ Created: 2022-10-23 18:05:43  Updated: 2022-10-23 18:06:30 Owner: rl ]
Title: A new species of being who are born of the Word and Holy Spirit    



References (25) to 'New Creation'
4 - Who You Are In The Spirit Who You are in the Spirit
Dark Ages Christianity Christian traditions developed in ignorance of the Word
D E M O 1_09 - Identity In Christpart 1 Identity In Christ part 1
Fellowship Friendly association with people who share interests.
God Is Not Your Gofer Does your Prayer consist of requests for God to do things?
Gospel Essence The essence of the Good New of the Kingdom
Heir One who Inherits
Holy Spirit Acts The Acts of the Holy Spirit
Identity Who someone is - You
10  Inferior Less than, weaker than, cheaper than
11  Jesus Is God Call God by His real name
12  Man Is Spirit Man is a Spirit with a Soul and a Body
13  Pray To communicate with the Authority - Prayer
14  Recreated We are not refurbished, we are New Spirit beings In Christ Jesus
15  Redemption The act of buying back - Salvation
16  Righteousness The state of being in right standing with God
17  Satan The enemy/opposer/adversary (aka Devil ) (formerly Lucifer)
18  Secret Rapture Reprinted from
19  See Observe with eyes, comprehend with Mind
20  Sin Conscious Aware of Sin, thinking of Lust and Guilt.
21  Sons Of God We are Sons of God by the New Birth in the Holy Spirit
22  Superhuman Above natural human ability
23  Transformed Changed from one state to another
24  Unbelieving Believer Believing in Jesus but denying the Word
25  Who Are You?      Your real identity