Why did the man have unbelief?
The natural (carnal) mind will respond: "Because miracles are not the norm."
And there we have it. Most believers today, and for virtually all of the past 2000 years, have been taught that faith alone is not the answer. They have been taught to believe what they see, which is the essence of a Carnal Mind.
Some will say: "That's not fair, believers have been taught to believe and have faith".
It is likely that the same ones who deny the above accusation will also say:
"God decides what prayers will be answered and which will not, regardless of our faith".
So what we have here is a religion which believes in its founder ( Christ Jesus) but does not believe what the founder taught.
This is the very definition of unbelief and it is rampant in many Christian circles.
Paul pronounced a serious curse upon all who would pervert the Gospel of Christ and teach something contrary to the simple but powerfully revolutionary Gospel that Jesus introduced and the Holy Spirit revealed in fullness to the apostle Paul.
What then is this Gospel that should not be corrupted or perverted?
→ It is the good news that we have been redeemed by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus (1Co 6:20 Eph 2:13)
→ It is the good news that we are now Sons Of God in the New Birth (1Jn 3:2)
→ It is the good news that we can be Spirit Filled by the gift of the Holy Spirit (Act 2:38)
→ It is the good news that we can do the same and greater works than Jesus (Joh 14:12)
→ It is the good news that all things for life and godliness are ours (2Pe 1:3)
→ It is the good news that we can come boldly to the throne of Grace (Heb 4:16)
→ It is the good news that we are more than conquerors (Rom 8:37)
→ It is the good news that we are in the Father and He is in us (Joh 17:21)
→ It is the good news that we will never be separated from the Holy Spirit (Joh 14:16 Rom 8:39)
→ It is the good news that we are to experience Abundant Life (John 10:10)
→ It is the good news that we will never die (Joh 11:26)
→ It is the good news that we can rule and reign with our Lord (Rom 5:17)
If this is not the thrust of the preaching and teaching that you are exposing yourself to, I can assure you that you have as much unbelief in you as you do faith.
I take no pleasure in leveling these accusations, but the proof of their veracity is all too evident in the church and in the society which the church should drive.
Unless we repent of error, we cannot receive the Truth. And without the Truth we are just spinning our wheels.
The Word Of God is Truth and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Truth.
They are one and they, as one, must be our focus if we are to break the cycle of Systemic Unbelief.