[ Created: 2022-10-02 07:31:58  Updated: 2022-10-02 07:55:28 Owner: rl ]
Title: The mantra of a Fascist Secular Humanist     


Science is the study of the laws of God.   

You can trust the laws of God.   Recognizing the physical laws of the universe were declared by God is fundamental to wisdom and knowledge.   
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. - Pro 9:10
There is not a truly wise person on Earth who does not acknowledge God.     

There is no way for a person to understand creation without knowledge of the Creator.     

When a person has a personal intimate relationship with God, the Holy Spirit, and spends time studying the Word Of God they GrowInGraceAndKnowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.     

Such wisdom, knowledge and understanding is from the Spirit Realm and is in all aspects far superior to any Physical Realm wisdom, knowledge or understanding.

As in every cleverly disguised lie there is always an element of truth.   So, the mantra, Trust The Science, has an element of truth.   

But just as we have seen misunderstanding and confusion about God in the religious realm, we are now seeing confusion about science in the scientific realm.   
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. - 1Co 14:33
If chaos, disorder or conflict arise, the flesh has made an appearance.     The Holy Spirit will wait till the flesh is under control before participating.

A theory is a proposed explanation of observed events.   

A scientific law is a theory which has been proven and can be proven again by experimentation.   

All the advances in technology have come about based on scientific laws.   

So science is a good thing as long as it keeps theory and law separate.   

The same is true with respect to our faith.   The Word is true (is law) whereas our speculations and opinions are theory.   

Never trust speculations or opinions for things that matter in your faith walk.   Always trust the Word Of God.   

Never trust speculations or theories in science for things that matter.   Always trust scientific law as it is also the Word Of God - just not revealed in scripture.   

It is immoral for a minister to preach opinion and speculation as the Word Of God - spiritual law.   

It is immoral for a scientist to teach theory as scientific law.   

Because of man's rebellion against God he has constructed the Big Lie or "no God" and ancillary lies to thwart the plan of God.   

Do not trust man or his False Science.   
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to your trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: - 1Ti 6:20
False Science is the bane of society today.     The word 'science' is used as some kind of sacred word.

Have faith in God whom you can trust implicitly.   
And Jesus answering says unto them, Have faith in God. - Mar 11:22
God is setting forth the chief cornerstone which will be a rock of Salvation or a Stumbling Block.     Rom 9:33

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: - Rom 5:1
Justified means that no acccusations can stick to us.     Having Peace with God means that even He will not accuse us.     

Satan is our only accuser and he is repudiated by our Advocate with the Father, Christ Jesus our Lord.