[ Created: 2022-09-20 12:24:58  Updated: 2022-09-20 12:59:02 Owner: rl ]
Title: A word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase     


Pronouns enable a person to avoid ridiculously repeating the proper name of the person of which they are speaking or writing.   

In writing, pronouns facilitate quick editing by reducing the number of places a specific person is cited.   

Gender pronouns not only reference the person originally cited but also remind us of their gender which very often provides important context for what is being said.   

The L G B T Q agenda represents confusion, involving people who are confused about sexual behavior and sexual identity.   Out of their confusion comes the confusion resulting from elimination of gender pronouns.   

As said above, gender pronouns provide context for references to people.   As such, they are helpful in communication.   

It is a biological fact that each of us is either a male or female.   Our chromosomes determine which.   

To deny a scientific reality, such as gender, and replace it with a subjective idea is confusion on the part of the person who would do so, and confusion on the part of the people who would subscribe to it.   

Every person has a right to screw themself up the way they want to.   However, no person has a right to screw up society to make them feel comfortable in their screwed-up minds.   

So, on one hand, we have screwed-up L G B T Q players, while on the other hand, we have screwed-up L G B T Q supporters.   

Both the player and the supporter are screwed-up and represent confused people and groups.   

Shall we confuse all society for their sake?   I think not.   Rather...   God thinks not.   

That would mean that all society is confused.   Did you know that that is why God sent the Flood during Noah's time?   
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. - Gen 6:5
God created humanity for us to be His children - to be like Him.     
We exist at His pleasure.     

The people at the time of the Flood had completely disconnected from God and His purpose for them.     
God destroyed that generation because they were filthy, dishonourable and irreversably aligned with Satan.     

The elites of this world (who control the Seven Mountains of Influence) are in the same state of corruption as during Noah's day.     They too will be destroyed.     

God saved Noah and his family while He destroyed everyone else.     

When Jesus returns He will do the same thing.     He will catch all believers, dead and living, up to Him in the air.     Then He will destroy the unbelievers and their monuments with the Word Of His Mouth.     

And just as there was a new beginning for the World under Noah, there will be a new Millennial Kingdom under our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are an L G B T Q player then you are a destructive force to yourself and society.   

If you are an L G B T Q supporter then you are a destructive force to society.   

God is not destroying the wicked at this time because He honours the work of Christ Jesus and is so giving a space of time to repent.   

But, there is coming a Day Of Wrath at the End Of The Age in which those who choose rebellion and confusion over Truth will be destroyed.   

So, pronouns are not the issue.   It is the heart of the people who serve their father, Satan, who is the author of confusion.   

We are instructed to resist the Devil, to give no place to him and to rebuke him.   That is what this article is doing and that is what all disciples of Christ will do.   
Submit yourselves therefore to God.     Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - Jam 4:7
These commands ensure Victory.     

God wants only your best interest served, so work with Him.     

Satan, on the other hand, is the Enemy and must be resisted whenever and wherever he appears.

Neither give place to the devil. - Eph 4:27
We have to wilfully and purposefully dislodge the Devil whenever and whereever we find him.     We ought always to be on attack toward him.

And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. - Mat 17:18
Jesus spoke to the Demon and he left the child.