[ Created: 2022-09-20 06:34:55  Updated: 2022-10-31 07:15:59 Owner: rl ]
Title: Nourishing mother    


Before its current use, alma mater was an honorific title for various mother goddesses, especially Ceres or Cybele.   Later, in Catholicism, it became a title of Mary, mother of Jesus.    - Wikipedia

The reality is that you are fed and shaped for the rest of your life by the teacher to whom or to what you come under.   

We don't get to choose our birthing mother.   But we do get to choose our teachers.   And we ought to seriously consider what kind of people we want ourselves and our children to be in that choice.   

What we do is much less important than what we are.   

Education should have as its primary goal to inform students of truth.   
The most important truth is spiritual
The second order truth is government
The third order truth is scientific
The fourth order truth is art

If these truths are not taught or not taught in the order specified above, the student will be destabilized throughout their life.   

I realize that some (maybe even most) will disagree with the truth set above, the order specified and the statement regarding them.   

But, in order to understand anything, one must come at the issue from the right perspective and foundation.   The right perspective and the right foundation is God.   This is why spiritual truth is priority one.   It orients a person correctly with respect to creation, existence and purpose.   

Any godless or evolutionary or nihilist concept underpinning a person's World View will of necessity result in an unhealthy, unstable, destructive and potentially psychopathic lifestyle.   

Yes, there are varying degrees of the resultant destruction but that is because virtually no one is purely godless, evolutionary or nihilistic in their belief system.   The extent to which these destructive concepts reach their heart determines the degree of destruction they experience.   

The revolutionary Jesus broke with classical knowledge and historical religious tradition to bring people out of darkness and to set them free.   This occurred 2000 years ago.   

It is interesting that the part of the world that received the Gospel of Jesus Christ broke free from paganism and mythology to serve the living God in newness of life.   Out of this came order in the nations, less conflict between the nations, and the Enlightenment that grew out of the Reformation.   ( See Western Civilization)

Jesus never intended for men's minds to be set free from God.   But the freedom that came out of the teachings of Jesus resulted in the corruption of, what I call, the Endarkment, of society.   

Education in the universities, which were founded for religious instruction, became, over time, dens of darkness as the leaders of those institutions turned away from light to be endarkened by Satan through his elevation of Classical Education and Liberal Education over Christian Education.   

Whoever is your mentor, your guru or your Alma Mater determines who you will be.   And, as said above, what you are is many magnitudes more important than what you do.   

Let us cease being foolish converts to Secular Humanism recognizing it for what it is (a false religion that promotes Classical Education and Liberal Education) and let us reject institutions which promote it (that would include public schools and universities).   

We must seek Alma Maters for ourselves and our children which bring us into light and truth rather than darkness and lies.   ( See the Big Lie)