[ Created: 2022-09-17 21:27:39  Updated: 2022-09-17 21:43:03 Owner: rl ]
Title: Historical and observable destruction from homosexuality     


The reality is that homosexuality is destructive to the participants and to society at large as it becomes more prevalent.   

Sexual perversion manifests as a result of uncontrolled lust that finds its fulfillment in perverting, not just the sex act, but the moral fibre of the participants and supporters of it.   

If there is any doubt about this, one needs only look at what is happening in the world today.   L G B T Q is a militant organization fighting against the standards of human behaviour as set forth by God and expressed in His Word.   

Now, sexual perversions are not the only sins, and all sin is destructive to the person committing it.   

What makes sexual perversions so evil is that its adherents have sought to legitimize it.   
This is not just a case of being weak, failing to do what is right and experiencing remorse, but it is rebellion against the authority and standards of God.   

Jesus did not come to condone sin, He came to forgive it and to give man power over it.   

The power to overcome any sin comes by confession that it is sin - that it is destructive.   Unless a person admits their sin and desires to be freed from it, they remain in bondage to it.   This is true of every sin.   

Out of the forgiveness of sins which is appropriated by repentance and faith, a believer is set free from the power of that sin.   

It is the denial of God's standards of morality that is the chief sin, for in that rebellion there is no place for forgiveness.   

God is concerned for individuals and for society.   But he cannot save the society except by saving the individuals in that society.   This is what makes the confrontation so unavoidable and so critical for resolving according to God's standards.   

If our society does not reverse its position on sexual perversions, we will be destroyed.   There is historical precedence for making this statement and there is the observable slow collapse of America that is happening right in front of our eyes.   

We are all in this together.   If America collapses because of its rebellion against God, we all will suffer.