[ Created: 2022-09-12 10:26:34  Updated: 2022-09-12 11:09:42 Owner: rl ]
Title: A secular attempt to eliminate poverty and injustice     


There is always an element of truth or good in every lie or deception.   
Otherwise, no one would buy into it.   

LBJ was a political animal.   He devised an angle by which the democratic party could empower itself and ultimately turn America away from a Constitution Based, God Fearing, Free Market, Private Ownership, productive society into an implosive Atheistic, Socialist Communist train wreck.   

His angle worked because he used good sounding concepts to mask the truth such as justice and equity.   

What makes for a Great Society anyway?   Is it what we have today or what we left behind?   No one can argue that technology has improved the quality of life in terms of making more goods avaiable to more people.   

But the Great Society had absolutely nothing to do with productivity or real quality of life.   Percentage wise, there are fewer people producing goods and services today than there were 60 years ago.   

Has a larger leisure class ever been a blessing to a country?   How could it as by definition it only consumes and never produces.   

Vacations away from work are nice.   Everyone needs one occasionally.   But a life spent on vacation is unhealthy for the individual and to the society which receives no benefit from such an individual.   

The Great Society concept was a scam.   It indentured the recipients of the welfare system to its benefactors.   And those benefactors were thieves who took money from the productive class of people and gave it to the unproductive.