Most often the Human Condition focuses on the struggles associated with life in the Physical Realm.
All the challenges of life are encompassed in the term, Human Condition.
→ weakness
→ sickness
→ disease
→ poverty
→ hatred
→ violence
→ wars
→ wickedness
→ death
I actually worked for a company which had 'improving the Human Condition' as a phrase in its mission statement. What they were really about was research which, as interesting and noble as it sounds, does not directly improve any of the aspects of the Human Condition mentioned above.
But this is true of virtually every secular attempt by man to improve the Human Condition.
The evidence is all around us that 60 years of the Great Society has actually had the opposite effect on the Human Condition. As a nation we are worse off now than we were 60 years ago.
The Human Condition is a result of sin which separated man from God. So the solution is to deal with sin - not just the symptoms or consequences of sin.
Guess what?
That is exactly what Christ Jesus came to do!
Jesus came to:
→ redeem us from bondage
→ make us into New Spirit beings
→ set us free
→ remove the fear of death
→ bestow God's unmerited favor on us
→ heal us of sickness and disease
→ fill us with the HolySpirit
→ change our identity by making us SonsOfGod
→ enable us to prosper
→ enable us to partner with Him in saving others
→ give us a hope and vision of God's glory manifesting on earth
So we see that Jesus came to save us spiritually, physically, emotionally, psychologically, economically, socially and politically. And we see that there is no other way for us to be saved that in Him.
In Christ we have the power and authority to improve the Human Condition in all its dimensions of need.
The method by which we improve the Human Condition is by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom Of God.
In the Kingdom Of God there are not haves and have-nots, sick and healthy, good and bad but all are perfected in Him. But the requirement for such salvation is specified out here:
We need to repent of the futile secular attempts to improve the Human Condition and subscribe to the saviour, healer and deliverer of all mankind, Christ Jesus.