[ Created: 2022-09-03 20:29:39  Updated: 2022-09-03 21:22:49 Owner: rl ]
Title: A dog who has been beaten so often that it is resigned to simply surviving     


A Whipped Puppy is afraid of its master.   It is attached to him but it is never comfortable approaching him.   He cowers and slinks up to him not knowing what to expect - a stroke or a stike.   

Many ministers of Christ Jesus preach
a message of condemnation,
a message of short term defeat but ultimate victory,
a message of low expectations,
a message of fear,
a message of retribution from God.   

This may be effective in driving people to God and managing them under threat and low expectations as Paul implies in the statement below but it is not the Gospel.   
For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more does the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. - 2Co 3:9
The Law and Commandments was a ministry of Condemnation.     Christian ministers who emphasize the power of Sin are ministering Condemnation.     Such ministry does produce results.     

However, the real Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is in the fact that God has covered all Sin by the Blood of His Son, has imputed His Righteousness to us by Faith and has filled us with the Holy Spirit whereby we call Him Father.

The Gospel is "good news".   It is the truth about salvation by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus.   It does the following:
relieves us from condemnation (Rom 8:1)
tells us that we are more than conquerors (8:37)
tells us to believe that God will meet our desires (Mar 11:24)
tells us to come boldly to the throne of Grace (Heb 4:16)
tells us not to fear but to abide in love (1Jn 4:18)
tells us that we are joint heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17)

So, why is not the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ preached?   
the thief steals the truth
the accuser wants us to be weak
it is easier to fear than to believe
the human default is to be Carnal Minded
fear is a good tool for controlling people
low expectations yield only mild disappointments

If you feel like God's little Whipped Puppy take a fresh look at the truth.   It is in knowing the truth that we are made free (Joh 8:32).    When you meditate on the truth you will feel the love of God, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and you will be an effective witness for Christ.   

God wants us
under the shadow of His wing (Psm 63:7)
in his pavilion (Psm 27:5)
on a rock
in the secret of His tabernacle
in Him (Joh 14:20 Joh 17:21)