God is the generic name for deity in the same way human is a generic name for a person. If you want to show a person respect and move into friendship and even intimacy with them you should call the person by their name - not human or even you.
God`s name is Jesus. It is the name He chose for Himself. It is the name into which He has invested Himself. It is the name at which every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus the Messiah is Lord . Jesus will judge all men .
Stop referring to God using the term God because it has no clear definition except in Christ Jesus. When you think about God apart from His Word (which Jesus is incarnate) your thoughts are ill-defined leading to error. Jesus is the express image of God, meaning that there is no other acceptable representation of God.
Anyone who aims at God without invoking Jesus misses their target.
There is power in the name of Jesus while there is no power in the name of God. (If Jesus has all power then there is none left for `God`).
You cannot enter the presence of God except through Jesus . God does not hear your prayers except through the name of Jesus. Otherwise, He would be unfaithful to Himself.
If you are more comfortable talking to God than to Jesus you need an adjustment for the reasons stated above. You need to embrace the intimacy that God has offered to you in Christ Jesus. It is where you will experience the fullness of His love, Grace, peace and power.
You notice I have used the term `God` while encouraging you to use the term, `Jesus`. As said above, God is the generic term for deity. Who is this deity? He is the Holy Spirit . The Holy Spirit made Himself a Body by which He could express His Soul to human beings and we call that person the Lord Jesus Christ . The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus .
The Holy Spirit birthed Jesus to make it possible for us to be reconciled to Him so that we could be filled with Him and so become one with Him .
Get focused by honing in on Christ Jesus who is in you by virtue of His Holy Spirit being in you . Then talk to `God` who is in you in the name of Jesus . Pray in the Holy Spirit and meditate on the Word Of The Lord thus allowing Him to crystalize in your understanding and knowledge of Him .
No one can afford to be careless when referring to God. It is not God who accepts or rejects us - it is Christ Jesus.
But whoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.  |
God`s revelation of Jesus According to Paul by E W Kenyon
No one knew the Father until Jesus introduced Him; no one knew Jesus until the Father had introduced Him. This introduction is given to us in Paul`s revelation.
The Father is unveiling to the church what they really are in Christ. He is unveiling what He did for us in His Son. I once wondered why Paul never quoted from the master; then I noticed that Jesus said in , “The things therefore which I speak, even as the Father hath said unto Me, so I speak.” The same thing was true of Paul. He had no choice of the thing he wrote. His message was fresh from the Father`s heart.
Read carefully. Paul here declares he was not taught of man; so his message did not come from Peter nor from John, but came fresh from the Father.
Paul did not know about the Substitutionary sacrifice until it was revealed to him.
Two Phases of the Substitutionary Sacrifice
There are two phases of the revelation: one is the legal side of the plan of redemption, and the other is the Vital. The legal is what God did in Christ for us, what legally belongs to us as new creations. The Vital is what the Spirit through the Word is doing in us in the new creation. It is His indwelling, His building the Father`s nature into us through the Word.
God Working Within Us
, “For it is God Who is at work within us willing and working His own good pleasure.” God is working within us. He is building Himself into us. He is building His love nature, His righteousness, His faithfulness, His Long-suffering, His gentleness. As we contact the world, these qualities are necessary, and He builds them into us. , “But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus Who was made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption.”
Jesus Made Our wisdom
He made Jesus to be wisdom unto us so in this revelation we have discovered that Jesus is our wisdom. We don`t have to have prayer for wisdom as James tells us; but as we meditate in the Word, this revelation is the wisdom of God. It is an unveiling of the Father`s ability. He lives in that revelation, and as you feed on it and meditate on it you become wiser than your enemies.
Jesus is God.
There is not another person out there.
The Holy Spirit who begat Jesus is the Father. Jesus is the Body revealing the Heart ( Spirit) and expressing the Word ( Soul) of `God`.
In these last days we need drop the confusing divisive terminologies about God and just call Him by His name - Jesus.
Jews and muslims choked on trinitarianism. Christians should have too.
→ The Gospel is about Jesus.
→ Grace is about Jesus.
→ The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus.
→ The return is about Jesus.
→ The resurrection is about Jesus.
→ The judgment is about Jesus.
→ Jesus has all power
→ Jesus is the only name for salvation