There is an enormous difference between the Children Of Israel and the Children Of The Lord.
The Children Of Israel, or for brevity, Israel, is an ethnic group.
The Children Of The Lord, or for clarity, Christians, is a universal brotherhood that spans race, ethnicity, gender and class.
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that the Lord is no respecter of persons:  |
A proper understanding of our Creator (which is only possible through Christ Jesus) reveals the love, mercy and Grace of our Creator and Saviour.
This understanding precludes anything that is less than just, less than beautiful, less than admirable, less than perfect, in the Lord.
The Lord created Adam and gave him dominion over all the earth. Adam was given the calling to subdue the earth and to replenish it. His failure to submit to the Lord resulted in him being cast out of Eden.
Noah was commissioned by the Lord to build ark whereby mankind could be replenished after the Flood of judgment.
Abraham was chosen by the Lord to be the progenitor of the new Adam, Christ Jesus, who would be the Saviour of the world.
It was always the Lord's plan for all men to be His children.
The Lord uses people to accomplish His purposes in the earth. Those who are called are instruments of the Word and Holy Spirit. That is all.
Abraham was receptive to the call of the Lord proving his faith by leaving his family and going to the land of promise. This is to his honor.
Abraham's seed of promise is Christ Jesus. It is patently obvious that most of Abraham's descendants were not seeds of promise.
Does the Lord save nations or ethnic groups?
Does the Lord destroy nations or ethnic groups?
Yes to both questions. But, the saving and destroying have to do with the strength of His Laws.
Nations which observe His laws are saved while nations which forget Him and His laws are destroyed.
But spiritual salvation ( Eternal Life) can only happen to an individual person. We are not Born Again in groups, but one at a time, according to our Faith in Christ Jesus.
Does the nation of Israel have a spirit? No. It does have a corporate consciousness and will which affects their future for good or evil.
But spiritual Israel, the Body Of Christ, does have a Spirit and He is the Holy Spirit which produced the Saviour, Jesus Christ who is King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords.
In summary,
→ There is no replacement of the Children Of Israel as the Children Of The Lord because
→ the Children Of Israel have never been anything more than the children of Israel.
Abraham's calling was fulfilled in one thread, not in every person of every generation.
There never has been and never will be a physically, genetically defined Chosen People.
The Chosen People are those In Christ Jesus who have not only been called but chosen by having faith in Him as Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Saviour and Lord.