We fell for the ethanol deception and subsequent loss of fuel mileage, reengeering of engines and problems with fuel systems clogging. But that was nothing to the fall-out from this debacle. But we are going to do this come hell or high water so says the government who, as Ronald Reagan said, `is the problem`.
If electric vehicles was a good idea the private sector would take it and run with it. It would need no government subsidies which will forever be needed to make it viable for the average American.
A simple argument against EVs involves the basic laws of physics. It takes energy to move mass. The higher the mass the more energy is required to move it.
A Ford Mustang gasoline engine weighs 445 pounds. Add another 100 pounds for accessories. A 15 gallon tank of fuel weighs 90 pounds. That is a total of 635 pounds.
Ford`s Mustang EV engine weighs 205 pounds. The battery weighs 1069 pounds. Total weight is 1274 pounds.
Since the EV engine weighs in at twice as much as the gasoline engine, it will take twice the energy to move the EV Mustang than the gasoline Mustang.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, most of the nation`s electricity was generated by natural gas, renewable sources, coal, and nuclear energy in 2022. Renewable sources of electricity include wind, hydropower, solar power, biomass, and geothermal. Together, these sources generated about 20% of the country`s electricity in 2022.
This means that we are burning almost twice as much `fossil fuel` to drive EVs than we do in gasoline vehicles.
The environment is being damaged more by EVs than by gasoline vehicles.