[ Created: 2022-08-04 19:23:14  Updated: 2022-10-20 14:30:38 Owner: rl ]
Title: Man is a Spirit with a Soul and a Body    


Man is a Spirit Being by E W Kenyon Man is a spirit being.   He possesses a physical body in which he dwells.   He has a soul composed of his reasoning faculties.   His body enables him to contact the physical things.   His reasoning faculties contact mental things.   His spirit contacts spiritual things.   What we call our conscience is really the voice of the spirit.   

If one could learn to listen to his recreated spirit, and keep in intimate fellowship with the Father and His Word, there is no limit to where he could go in spiritual things.   The Holy Spirit was given to guide us into all truth, or reality.   He finds it a very difficult thing to lead our reasoning faculties, but it is the normal and natural thing for Him to lead our spirits.   

Man was created in the same class with God.   He had to be a spirit being, an eternal being who would live as long as God lives.   Man had to be in God's class.   He had to be created so that he could be the Eternal companion and associate of Deity.   Before the fall in the Garden, during his fellowship with God, his spirit ruled him, and his senses were subject to his spirit.   

But, when he sinned, and his spirit received the nature of the Adversary, it became subordinated to his senses.   Before Adam fell his five senses played only a small part; the instant he fell his spirit lost dominion, and his five senses took over.   

He now relied upon his senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling.   He was driven from the presence of God.   He was in an enemy world.   He had to see clearly, lest he lose his life.   He had to hear keenly, or an animal would take advantage of him.   His taste must tell him what was good to eat.   His touch must tell him whether an object was hot or cold, sharp, or rough.   

Adam gained an education through his five senses.   His spirit was being made the prisoner of his five senses.   The Psalmist cried, "Bring my soul out of prison." .    The Hebrew word should have been translated "spirit" instead of "soul." It was the cry of the spirit for liberty.   It has been the cry for freedom down through the ages.   

Man's spirit lost contact with God.   His body became mortal, subject to death.   This was the condition in which Jesus found the human race when He broke into the sense realm to introduce the Father to sense knowledge man.   

Here are some spirit facts: man is a spirit, he has a soul.   The soul is composed of his reasoning faculties.   He lives in a physical body.   The physical body possesses the five senses; they are the educators and teachers of the brain.   

Let it be clearly understood that the brain cannot function without the senses.   If a child were born without sight, hearing, or feeling, he would be called an imbecile.   He may have just as good an intellect as the other children, but the senses have no way to contact it.   

The brain is dependent upon the five senses.   The spiritually dead man's spirit is in harmony with Satan.   His spirit does not object if he commits murder.   You remember how Paul told Agrippa, "I lived in all good conscience." That was during the time he was consenting to the death of the believers.   His conscience permitted him to do it.   That conscience was the voice of a spiritually dead man, a Satan-ruled spirit.   The Hidden Man of the Heart.   

Here are some names that the spirit is called in the Epistles: the "Old Man"...   "Put off the old man with its doings”; the " New Man"...   "And put on the new man created after the image and likeness of God." He is also called "the hidden man of the heart."

The spirit is the real man.   The body is not the real man, it is merely the home in which the spirit lives.   The mind is not the real man, because the mind can be destroyed by destroying the senses.   The real man is the "hidden man of the heart," or the "hidden spirit."

Here is the proof of it: "Wherefore if any man is in Christ there is a new creation, the old things have passed away, behold they have become new.   But all these things are of God." He is called a New Creation.   Another translator makes it read like this: "Wherefore if any man is in Christ there is a new self."