If a farmer raises a crop and then eats all of his harvest, he will have no seed with which to plant next season.
If that farmer does not eat all of his seed and saves some for planting, but plants that seed on bad ground, he will be worse off than if he had eaten it. Not only will he obtain no harvest, but he will have wasted time and resources in the ill-advised sowing.
OK, so what`s the point?
It is twofold:
→ your personal use of your seed
→ your government`s use of the seed you give it
If you are eating all your seed or sowing it on bad ground, stop it. You are not living in concert with the spiritual law of Sowing And Reaping.
Reevaluate what you are doing with what God has blessed you and look for good ground into which to sow your seed.
On the other hand...
Our government is the foolish farmer who takes all his seed and either eats it or plants it in bad ground.
With taxes on everything, the seed that productive Americans produce is largely taken from the producers and funneled into the giant consumer of seed - the government.
The government uses virtually all of the seed it obtains by force of law (taxes) to pay the salaries of its employees and the salaries of its contractors.
The question is: `Is the ground that the seed is being sown into good ground or bad ground?`
To answer this question we have to do what the farmer does who plants his seed. We have to check the harvest, the fruit.
As mentioned above much of the seed the government receives is just eaten. Do those who eat the seed then provide some tangible fruit with which the people (who actually own the seed) are blessed?
Wealth redistribution is simply changing who eats the seed. It does not produce a harvest.
Paying salaries of government and contractor employees is just another type of wealth redistribution. It doesn`t produce a harvest.
The education system into which much seed is sown is a failure based on the fact that its products are largely unproductive.
Th infrastructure (roads and bridges) is a shambles even while vast amounts of seed are poured into the agency in charge of it.
Public safety is decreasing as a result of bad government policy.
Public health (spiritual, mental and physical) is worsening as a result of government policy.
Economic health is decreasing due to government policy.
Equal justice for all has been forsaken in replaced with favoritism.
So, government is actually involved in nothing more than eating seed and planting it in bad ground.
And, just as the farmer who eats his seed or plants it on bad ground suffers poverty, so is our nation as it supports the ever-growing self-serving foolish planting of its government.
Jesus was talking specifically about turning away from rebellion against God to fellowship with God.
But He was also teaching a general principle which, in tennis lingo, is this:
`Never change a winning game but always change a losing game`.
Our government is totally corrupt and needs to repent. It is a losing game. It is going to cause our nation to perish.
What does government repentance look like?
Stop being OfByFor itself and back to OfByFor the people.
Will government repent? I do not expect it will.
Can we change government through the election process?
It has has never happened before because we are actually ruled by the Administrative State.
So, what can be done?
The same thing that has been done throughout history. The corrupt government must be overthrown if anything is to change.
We the people are guilty of eating our own seed and of sowing into bad ground (government). We are responsible for the poor harvest.