Washington, DC was the seat of Constitutional America. Over the past 60 years it has been infiltrated by Atheistic, Globalist Communists.
How did this happen? Little by little through compromise.
Was there a definitive turning point? Yes, when the SCOTUS of 1962, 1963 turned the nations back on God.
Since then the Constitution, freedom, responsibility and faith in God have been marginalized.
Simultaneously, all sorts of illegality, restriction of rights, laziness and ungodliness have been elevated to respectability.
We now have a government which circumvents the Constitution and God at every turn with the result that America is weak, confused and self-destructive.
The people in our government have become self-seeking, arrogant and filled with hate toward those who do not believe in them and their plans for a new world order.
God has not changed.
The Constitution has not changed.
This means that the people in favor of the changes are fighting against God and fighting against the Constitution.
These people are domestic enemies of the Constitution and the people.
They are traitors and should be dealt with as traitors.
But they occupy the seat of our government. They are in power. Some may argue that they are elected. No, that is just an illusion which the political parties and the system they serve have promulgated to enable their takeover.
In every sense of the word America is now occupied by a foreign enemy. You say they are Americans so it is not a foreign enemy.
Foreign ideologies such as atheism, communism and globalism are much more important than race, national origin or even citizenship.
These people are foreigners because they do not subscribe to the ideologies of the Constitution, faith, freedom, justice and responsibility.
It is past time for Americans to run the occupiers out of our seat of government.
The election process is fraudulent as witnessed in 2020. Even when the casting and counting of votes is done with integrity, the integrity of the elected is immediately attacked by the system in which they are forced to operate.
It is the system of government that has been corrupted preventing any new electees to change it.
We must admit that our Constitutional three-branch government has been broken and replaced by the Administrative State to which the elected representatives respond rather than to their constituents.
And that Administrative State is the seat of fascism, communism and globalism.