Jesus is the personification of God's love.
Jesus was on a mission. He had to die for the justice of God to be satisfied for anyone to have the possibility of being saved.
There is no way that God, who created all things for His pleasure, is happy when the ungodly rule His earth over His people. The Old Testament is filled with lessons to prove this point.
It is also a fact that Jesus precipitated His own crucifixion by cleansing the temple. It sent the rulers over the edge. I even doubt that His disciples saw this as an act of traditional love.
What God did to the people at the time of the flood was out of love.
What God did to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah was out of love.
My point is that the love of God is not one dimensional. It is both tender and patient while also being hard and just.
We have to look no further than what happens at the return of Christ to see how God's love also contains within it God's justice and His wrath. When He returns He will catch the dead and living up to Himself in the air and then He will speak Words to destroy the antichrist and his followers and all the works they have built.
So, to those who are resisting the love of God which brings salvation there is the lake of fire warning.
To those who have received the love of God there is the warning of being spewed out of His mouth for lukewarmness.
Mealy-mouthed, squishy, spineless niceness in the name of love is just not going to cut it in the days ahead.
Christ came to destroy the works of the enemy. He has provided us the tools for continuing to come against the gates of hell. I am quite sure that those manning the gates of hell are not going to relinquish control and open those gates because we are nice to them.
Satan and his children simply do not respond to nice. They take advantage of it.
Tough love seems to be a thing of the past. But it has always been how God's love manifests and it always will be. For us to have the love of God in knowledge and power, we must be willing to cleanse the temple and castigate the children of Satan just like our Lord did.