It is necessary to believe this about Jesus in order to be Born Again of His Holy Spirit.
Those who reject Jesus, reject His Holy Spirit. → The Way: Jesus is the path to His Holy Spirit. → The Truth: Jesus is the Truth about His Holy Spirit → The Life: Jesus is the giver of life by His Holy Spirit.
As disciples of Christ we must share this Gospel Truth with everyone in our lives.
Our testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ will either be a testimony for them leading to Eternal Life with Christ or a testimony against them in The Judgment leading to Eternal Death in the Lake Of Fire. Act 4:12 Rev 20:12,15
Those today who persist in calling upon the Lord apart from using His name, Jesus, waste their time. How is this? Because all power in heaven and earth belongs to Christ Jesus who is the express image of the Father, the Holy Spirit.
You can hear the hurt and amazement in Jesus` voice as He responds.
Jesus tells Philip that He is the Father. He then rebukes Philip for even doubting that He is the Father.
Jesus spoke what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to speak. Jesus reached out to heal and deliver those whom the Holy Spirit empowered Him to bless.
Just as the disciples and others of Jesus` day could not look past the physical form of Jesus and see the Father, likewise today, people cannot see past our physical form to see the Father in us.
What is even worse is that many of us cannot look past our own physical form to realize Christ in us the expectation of the Father`s glory being manifested in and through us.
Greater works shall we do because the Father has made His abode in us. We are filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus. He is the one who impregnated Mary. He is the One who inspires and implements the Word.
So, Jesus being the Word speaks and interacts with those in the Physical Realm, while the Holy Spirit from the Spirit Realm (Heaven) inspires Jesus to speak and then performs the works that Jesus does.
The Holy Spirit and the Word are One. You cannot separate them. If you try to you will either have the Word or the Power and neither will be effective. The Word speaks the purpose, while the Power achieves the purpose. The Holy Spirit and Word are inseparable.
This is one of the most ignored things that Jesus said. Why? Due to the doctrine of the trinity believers have relegated Jesus to just being Saviour. So, they believe on Jesus for salvation but defer to 'God' as the real deity.
Disciples follow their master in His footsteps learning from Him and imitating Him.
Jesus is telling us that we are to spread the Gospel, heal the sick, set captives free and make disciples of all men.
We can only do this by the power of the Holy Spirit operating in a vessel with the Mind Of Christ.
In this passage Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit Father telling us that: → Jesus is the way to Him → to know Jesus is to know Him → to see Jesus is to see Him → to talk about Jesus is to talk about Him → Jesus is in Him → He is in Jesus → He does the works through Jesus → the works prove the Oneness of Jesus and His HolySpiritFather
To truly Believe On Jesus one must believe that → Jesus is the Spirit Soul And Body of God → Jesus is the only God
Believing in a trinity is to fail to Believe On Jesus as required. The Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus only responds to the name, Jesus. Furthermore, He only works in and through us to the extent that we believe solely on Jesus.