[ Created: 2024-08-11 11:29:53  Updated: 2024-08-11 23:45:37 Owner: rl ]
Title: We don`t get to choose the age in which we live    



I suppose every person who has ever lived wanted to live in a time of peace and prosperity.   

But no one gets to choose.   

Those who lived during times of war, famine and disease surely wondered why it had to be so hard.   But they lived through it or died in it.   Either way they are now dead.   

There is no way to look at history without wondering how humanity has survived.   

No doubt our survival has come as a result of the hand of God upon individuals who fought against the evil of their day on behalf of their family, community and nation.   

Many of these unnamed heroes of the past laid down their lives for the future of those they loved.   

Why would they do that?   
    they had Godly love for others
    they had faith that God would raise them up.   

Enter 21st century...   
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
Danger is often thought of in physical terms but spiritual danger has a more long term effect.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
The `Me` generation.     Self Worship is idolatry.

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Natural affection is wholesome, tender, warming and selfless.     The affection of the self-worshipper is the opposite.     We are seeing hate toward those who love the Lord.

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of the Lord;
Traitors are destroying our country and traitors to Christ are compromising with other religions.     All of the compromise is so that their pleasure will not be interrupted.

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Jesus said tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high.     The power that was received was the Holy Spirit, the Lord Himself.     

The Holy Spirit, who is the Lord, is the power of our faith.     To deny the power of the Lord is to deny the Holy Spirit in us who is Christ in us, our only hope.     

The majority of the people on earth today worship themselves to the point that there is no hope for a future.   

It is for this reason that evil men are waxxing worse and worse.   

It is for this reason that Satan will be able to enshrine the Anti Christ over all the nations.   

It is for this reason that our Lord will shorten the days and interrupt the wholesale destruction of humanity by returning
    to deliver His children
    to destroy the wicked
    to establish His Kingdom on earth.   
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect`s sake those days shall be shortened.
The destruction of Jerusalem, as terrible as it was, was localised.     It did not represent a world-wide cataclysm as John sees in his Revelation.     

Also, note that He says `no flesh would be saved`.     This indicates a world-wide Great Tribulation.     

Note that the things that happen during the Great Tribulation are not caused by the Lord.     
The Lord cuts the days short to save humanity, specifically the elect.     
If He were the cause of the Great Tribulation He could just stop it

The Holy Spirit Father will send Christ Jesus back in order to save humanity from total destruction.

Granted, there are two ways to look at where we are in time
    in sadness for our failure to secure the earth for Him
    in joy for the completion of our redemption at His return.   

Shall we fight or shall we surrender?   

One of the saddest aspects of America's political scene is that winning has become the goal - not principle, not what is best, merely winning.   

From the human perspective Christ was a failure, a loser.   He was unable to convince His own people.   He was put to death by them.   

Thinking back to the temptation by the devil when Jesus left the wilderness, we see Him being offered a win on Satan's terms.   Rather than compromising and accepting Satan's deal, Jesus dug in to His principles and His calling.   

Religion worries about sin but they avoid talking about the worst sin - compromise.   

Compromise is in virtually every situation tantamount to Principle Prostitution.   

It is a reflection of core immorality and a lack of the nature of God.   

Christians need to wake up.   
    Being conformed to the world is forbidden.   
    Having our minds transformed to the Mind Of Christ is commanded.   

The Mind Of Christ sees only the Word Of God.   It ignores the deception of men through words, images, ideologies and false religion.