Spraking with authority    
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of the Holy Spirit, and bringing into captivity every thought to the lordship of Christ;
The strongholds of the enemy are imaginations - ideas, opinions and philosophy - which resist the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ

The worst stronghold in the church is that which has resisted the knowledge of the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus .     

Jesus came for the express purpose of us receiving His Holy Spirit and so be conformed to His image .     

What `imagination` is it that exalts itself over the knowledge of the Holy Spirit?     
It is the `imagination` that there is a `person` in the godhead who is not Christ Jesus who is worthy of worship.     

We must give all honour, praise and glory to Christ Jesus.     To hold another `imagination` of God than Jesus is idolatry.     
Furthermore, to resist the Holy Spirit, is to resist Christ Jesus Himself.     

Let your understanding of `God` begin and end with the Lord Jesus Christ
    in whose name you are saved
    who wields all power in heaven and earth
    who will judge the quick and the dead at His appearing.     

An imagination first manifests through words.     The words expressing the imagination form an argument in favor of the imagination.     

When we cast down an imagination we cast down the argument expressing that imagination.     

In order for us to cast down an argument we must speak against it.