The effect of contact with the enemy    
Satan destroys everything he touches.   

Satan's touch is communicable.   If you touch something Satan has touched, he touches you through that something.   

Your spirit is perfect but your soul and body are corruptible.   

You must be sanctified the Word and you must sanctify yourself .   
The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
The thief is Satan who is the inspiration for all the evil in the world.     
Whereas the `I` is Jesus who offers us Eternal Life and Abundant Life.     

This verse is a powerful statement contrasting the nature of the enemy with the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ.     

Note that the enemy takes by force what is ours, while we must appropriate by faith what is ours in Christ Jesus.     
The appropriation is not a `one and done` thing.     Rather, it is an ongoing process throughout our lives on this earth.     

Jesus has given us His life in giving us His Holy Spirit who is in every believer who has asked to be filled.     We aught to invoke His life into every aspect of our walk in the earth.

Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?     and what communion has light with darkness?
The concept of being unequally yoked comes from having a team of oxen of different sizes or temperaments.     The result is that they do not operate as a unit causing crooked furrows and much anguish to the driver.     

Fellowship requires agreement.     Evil does not compromise as compromise requires good will.     Hence, when we try to fellowship with evil, we must do the compromising.     

The Lord Jesus Christ is inclusive only on His terms.     He accepts no one who has not believed on Him and been born of His Holy Spirit.     

The reason for this rigidity is that light and darkness cannot coexist.     Neither can good and evil,

Abstain from all appearance of evil.
It it stinks, hold your nose.     
If it is bitter, spit it out.     
If it is crass, close you ears.     
If it is ugly, close your eyes.     
If it hurts, push it away.     

Pure religion and undefiled before the Holy Spirit Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
This is a good practice.     By practicing it we begin to experience the compassion of Christ which imprints a heart image that prompts us to such ministry.     It ceases to be a work and becomes a pleasure.

And we know that we are of the Holy Spirit, and the whole world lies in wickedness.
The physical wickedness of the world is terrible but what is much more terrible is the Spiritual Wickedness.     As we encounter Spiritual Wickedness we see the stark contrast between us and those who serve Satan.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.     If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
What world is John speaking of?     
    is he speaking of the earth that the Lord created?     
    is he telling us not to enjoy the blessings of the Lord`s creation?     
No, he is speaking of the evil that is in the world.     

When we see what is in Heavenly Places our hearts are forever oriented toward Him who fills heaven and earth with His glory.     carnality is base and has lost its appeal.

And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of the Lord.
What is wrong with the world that we should not be conformed to it?     
    it is lost and confused
    it is filled with sickness and disease
    it is filled with violence
    it is filled with greed
    it is filled with hate
    it is filled with death
    it is hopeless
    it is apart from the Lord

Conformity is good when it is to the Word and the Holy Spirit.     Otherwise it is evil.     

In order for the New Spirit being to manifest in our flesh, we must be transformed in mind, emotions and will (our soul).     

When we are transformed we receive the wisdom and power of the Lord to do the work of Christ Jesus in our mortal bodies.     

What is the good and acceptable and perfect will of our Lord?     
    It is that none perish ,
    it is that all be healed ,
    it is that all prosper .     

How is the Lord`s will proved?     
    By the manifestation of evidence.     
What evidence?     
    salvation, healing and prosperity.     

Hence, the only thing holding us back from experiencing the best that the Lord has for us is our minds.     

Let the Mind Of Christ be in you.     -

You adulterers and adulteresses, know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with the Lord?     whoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of the Lord.
James is talking about unfaithfulness to the Lord.     

Since our Lord is Spirit Soul And Body it us possible to be unfaithful
    to His Spirit
    to His Soul and
    to His Body

A person is unfaithful to the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus by entertaining evil spirits.     

A person is unfaithful to the Soul of Christ by denying His Word.     

A person is unfaithful to the Body of Christ by adding works to Grace.

I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil.
The implication is that those who do not have a Love Of The Truth are by definition evil.

Submit yourselves therefore to the Lord.     Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
These commands ensure victory.     

The Lord wants only your best interest served, so work with Him.     

Satan, on the other hand, is the enemy and must be resisted whenever and wherever he appears.     

We submit from our will just as we rebel from our will.     The rebellious attitude leads to destruction while the submissive attitude leads to eternal, abundant life in the Holy Spirit.     

By the way, you don`t have to submit to someone who has Extreme Sovereignty.

Draw near to the Lord, and he will draw near to you.     Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.
It is the Lord who draws us to Him by His Holy Spirit but that is just a tug.     We must respect His wooing by turning to Him and desiring Him.     

Sinners can only cleanse their hands by repenting, turning to Christ and receiving His cleansing blood,

Christians can only purify their hearts by deciding to believe the Word Of The Lord exclusively.     Otherwise, they are Double Minded which yields confusion, fear, unbelief and weakness.
