[ Created: 2022-07-21 18:43:51  Updated: 2024-05-05 07:45:41 Owner: rl ]
Title: Jacob and the land he possessed    



Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) were prototypes of Sons Of God born out of Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus.   

No one looking honestly at the history of the Children Of Israel can accept the idea that the Holy Spirit is satisfied in a relationship with a stiffnecked, rebellious ethnic group.   

On the contrary, our Lord is satisfied in individual, intimate, personal relationships.   
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
We see how most believers do not have the Mind Of Christ perfected in them.     The Spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh wars against the Spirit.     At His return, our soul and body will be redeemed and made new just as our Spirit was in the New Birth.

To that point, we must understand where our Lord`s focus is today.   It is not on a ethnic group defined by genetics and tradition.   Rather, His focus is on those who receive Him as Lord, Saviour and King.   

Accordingly, a proper reading of the Old Testament prophecies would substitute the Body Of Christ for Israel.   
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
This means that all other religions are false.     They do not lead to the Lord Jesus Christ our Creator and Saviour.     

This is not a Politically Correct verse, but the Lord does not concern Himself with man`s politics or his opinions.     

God came to earth and we call Him Jesus.     
To deny Jesus is to deny God.     
To deny Jesus who is the Truth is to deny the Truth and so believe a lie.     

For this reason we are to preach the Gospel to every creature throughout the world .     

Christianity has taken a very narrow view and understanding of salvation, limiting it to the spirit of man that is renewed by faith in Christ Jesus.     

Jesus did not talk about or deal exclusively with eternity.     He dealt with the Human Condition in the Physical Realm by healing, by delivering, by teaching and, when necessary, by feeding the hungry.     So, we need to understand that Christ came to make us whole in every aspect of our existence.

No one is accepted or rejected because of their skin color, ethnicity, lineage or land of origin.   We are accepted In Christ and those are rejected who reject Christ Jesus.   
To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved.
Jesus is the beloved.     

He is beloved of His Holy Spirit Father, His own Holy Spirit.     

The Grace of the Holy Spirit has made us Accepted In The Beloved.     

This is our amazing reality.     

In Christ
    we have been given His Holy Spirit
    the Holy Spirit is Eternal Life
    the Holy Spirit is love
    the Holy Spirit holds all our needs

What is our part?     
    To praise and thank Him
    To draw near to Him
    To submit to Him
    To testify of Him

Jesus is Lord!

Our Lord is not a respecter of persons which means He is not a respecter of ethnicities.   
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that the Lord is no respecter of persons:
To be a respecter of persons implies that one is unjust.     It is impossible for the Lord to be unjust.     He is holy and perfect in all His ways.     

The concept of Chosen People is perverse.     Abraham believed the Lord and the Lord rewarded His faith with a promise that His seed would be blessed.     And that one particular seed would bless all the nations of the earth.     That seed is Christ Jesus.     

Hebrews are blessed as long as they operate in faith, just as gentiles.

So, read the Old Testament with the understanding that Israel represents the Chosen People and that the Chosen People are those who have received Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord.