[ Created: 2024-07-09 08:43:19  Updated: 2024-07-09 08:45:20 Owner: rl ]
Title: Jesus is the name of the Holy Spirit    



Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:
We are to teach all nations.     What do we teach?     
The Gospel of Jesus Christ - not the Gospel of God.     

What is the key component of the Gospel?     That Jesus is the Truth about our Creator.     

What is the Truth?     That Jesus is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.     
Note that name is singular - there is only one name and that is Jesus.     

But how can Jesus be the Father and the Son?     To understand this we must know who the Father is.     He is the Holy Spirit.     

Jesus said `I and my Father are One`.     This means that the Holy Spirit Father is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.     Jesus spoke through the prophets about Himself by His Holy Spirit.     He then became the person He prophesied about - Jesus.     

Jesus fathered Himself by His Holy Spirit, just as He raised Himself from the dead by His Holy Spirit.     

So, rather than talking about some confusing trinitarian circular logic involving a three-in-one godhead, we aught to recognize
    that Jesus is TheNameOfTheFather,
    that Jesus is TheNameOfTheSon and
    that Jesus is TheNameOfTheHolySpirit.     

The name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is Jesus.     

Jesus instructed us to use His name when speaking to His Holy Spirit Father in us.     He said `ask the Father in my name`.     Referring to a person by name adds precision and honor to the address.     

Our Creator is Spirit Soul And Body just as we are who were created in His image.     

Jesus is Lord!     
Be Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ