[ Created: 2022-07-15 22:17:39  Updated: 2022-10-31 07:54:42 Owner: rl ]
Title: Wherever a believer goes they bring light     


You are the light of the world.     A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. - Mat 5:14
Jesus is the llght and by receiving Him through the New Birth by the Holy Spirit we become light.     

We ought to recognize the responsibility upon us to let our light shine.

You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. - 1Th 5:5
Every person is either a Child Of God or a Child Of Satan.     

Such a statement is not Politically Correct.     Those not In Christ would see the expression of this truth as bigotry and evidence of hate.     

But denial of the truth and construction of alternate realities does not negate the truth.     

Jesus said there are wheat and there are tares, there are sheep and there are goats.     

The choice before all men is between life and death, truth and lies, light and darkness.     

The purpose and necessity of the Gospel is to inform the lost of the true meaning of life.     

We who are In Christ not only understand the Mystery Of God but have entered into Eternal Life, while the unbeliever does not understand and so stumbles in darkness apart from God, wallowing in the filth of their sins.     

As children of light we should Understand The Times, sharing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to light the World informing them of God's plan for His creation.

These verses make it abundantly clear that those who are In Christ have light in them.   

What is that Light?   
It is the truth about God's love, His sacrifice for us in Christ Jesus, the Eternal Life and Abundant Life He has made possible and His gift of the Holy Spirit.   

What is darkness?   
It is the absence of light.   It is not knowing the truth about God.   It is being separated from God.   It is fear and torment.   

What happens when light meets darkness?   
The darkness disappears.   

How does darkness disappear?   
the person in darkness sees the light in the believer and receives it
the person in darkness sees the light in the believer, rejects it and leaves the believer.   

When a believer is functioning properly they always show light and so they always dissipate darkness.   

If a believer is not dissipating darkness they are not showing the light that is in them.   
No man, when he has lit a candle, puts it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. - Luk 11:33
We must exercise our Testimony of Jesus Christ.

By virtue of believers not showing their light the enemy has moved in as a squatter and taken property and power that does not belong to him.   

The world of the early church was delivered from darkness into light by believers who showed the light that was in them.   

The world of today will be delivered from darkness into light by believers who show the light that is in them.   

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the light.   
And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mar 16:15
This is the Great Commission.     It is still in force.     We are expected to carry the Gospel to every creature.     

Jesus did not expect every person to believe, but He wants us to make sure all nations hear the Gospel as it is a criteria for His return.     Mat 24:14